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Catergories :

The Quistis Chronicles -:- By : unknownwrath666 -:- Published : July 18, 2019
Updated : August 2, 2019 1:23 pm -:- Rated : Adult + -:- Chapters : 3 -:- Reviews : 0 -:- Views : 4774 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0
Located : Final Fantasy VIII > Threesomes/Moresomes
A PWP series about Quistis getting together with different men and/or women.
Content Tags : 3Plus Anal Bi Bond DP Exhib FF Fingering Fist HJ MF OC Oral Other PWP Rim Solo Spank Toys WIP
The Final Judgement -:- By : Resting-Madness -:- Published : May 18, 2019
Updated : June 23, 2019 1:08 pm -:- Rated : Adult -:- Chapters : 12 -:- Reviews : 0 -:- Views : 1492 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0
Located : Final Fantasy Games > Final Fantasy VI
Sometimes a destiny can bond together your greatest friends... And sometimes it can even bond you with your greatest enemy.
Content Tags : COMPLETE
Hot Dog! -:- By : JayDee -:- Published : April 3, 2019
Updated : April 3, 2019 2:25 pm -:- Rated : Adult ++ -:- Chapters : 1 -:- Reviews : 1 -:- Views : 1961 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0
Located : Final Fantasy VIII > Het - Male/Female
Zell loves hot dogs. Angelo’s in heat. You do the math.
Content Tags : AFFO Beast ChallengeFic COMPLETE Contro Fingering MF Minor2 Oneshot Oral PWP
The Final Distance -:- By : Resting-Madness -:- Published : December 21, 2018
Updated : March 30, 2019 5:58 am -:- Rated : Adult -:- Chapters : 11 -:- Reviews : 0 -:- Views : 886 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0
Located : Final Fantasy Games > Crossovers
One never can tell how things will change, when altering the past to repair the future. So you must ask yourself, what are you willing to risk? Sequal to Uprising: The beast wars. Pairs: Squall/Irvine. Seifer/Zell. Locke/Edgar. Setzer/Terra.
Content Tags : MM Anal HJ. Complete
Short Breaks -:- By : TooManyLemons -:- Published : December 18, 2018
Updated : December 18, 2018 9:11 pm -:- Rated : Adult + -:- Chapters : 1 -:- Reviews : 0 -:- Views : 1452 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0
Located : Final Fantasy Games > Final Fantasy IX
A generally bored and timid carpenter gets sent to watch his ex-con co-workers on their break. Why his explanation that they're "just a young couple in love" keeps failing to get through to the foreman is beyond him. He may as well enjoy the show if he'll have to watch it this often. Originally a one-shot, I've decided for now it will be at least a two-shot.
Content Tags : AFFO Ageplay Ds Humil MF Oral Preg SH Solo Voy WIP
Threshold -:- By : ThisIsTheDungeonThatNeverEnds -:- Published : December 15, 2018
Updated : December 15, 2018 10:35 pm -:- Rated : Adult -:- Chapters : 1 -:- Reviews : 0 -:- Views : 745 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0
Located : Final Fantasy Anime > AU - Alternate Universe
The first time Ignis cuts Noctis, it is an accident… Previously uploaded to AO3 under same pen
Content Tags : BP COMPLETE MM Oneshot PWP
Between a Door and Hard Place -:- By : ThisIsTheDungeonThatNeverEnds -:- Published : December 15, 2018
Updated : December 15, 2018 10:29 pm -:- Rated : Adult -:- Chapters : 1 -:- Reviews : 0 -:- Views : 1502 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0
Located : Final Fantasy Games > Final Fantasy XV
Prompto leaned in towards Noct's face, lips against his ear. "Who do you belong to?" Previously uploaded to AO3 under same pen.
Content Tags : COMPLETE MM Other PWP
The True Power -:- By : ThisIsTheDungeonThatNeverEnds -:- Published : December 15, 2018
Updated : December 15, 2018 10:24 pm -:- Rated : Adult -:- Chapters : 1 -:- Reviews : 0 -:- Views : 1035 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0
Located : Final Fantasy Anime > AU - Alternate Universe
"Noctis," the King's voice was calmly firm, "The time has come for your connection to the Crystal to be fully forged and for its true power to be unlocked within you. The Crystal requires this ritual in order to give you full use its power and to recognize you as king. The ritual requires your complete submission.” Previously posted to AO3 under same pen.
Content Tags : Anal Angst COMPLETE Contro Ds Minor2 MM Other
Hello Kitty -:- By : ThisIsTheDungeonThatNeverEnds -:- Published : December 15, 2018
Updated : December 15, 2018 10:17 pm -:- Rated : Adult -:- Chapters : 1 -:- Reviews : 0 -:- Views : 1371 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0
Located : Final Fantasy Games > Final Fantasy XV
Noctis is Gladio's good little kitty. Previously uploaded to AO3 under same pen.
Content Tags : MM HJ Oral PWP Solo Toys
Wolves in the Gates -:- By : imp_pulchra -:- Published : November 7, 2018
Updated : November 7, 2018 11:25 pm -:- Rated : Adult -:- Chapters : 1 -:- Reviews : 0 -:- Views : 1607 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0
Located : Final Fantasy Games > Crossovers
The Final Fantasy is the best brothel in the city of Fabula, renown in the entire region for its harem of beautiful slave girls, purchased from exotic lands and trained by the best masters of the sensual arts. But when an otherworldly army takes control of Fabula the Final Fantasy and its stable of whores is given over to the invader's best officer and his crack unit of troops. Chapter 1 is a prologue, no sex
Content Tags : Anal MF Minor2 Ms OC Oral Preg Slave WIP Xeno
Long live our King -:- By : 1nuggetlol -:- Published : August 1, 2018
Updated : October 5, 2018 3:22 pm -:- Rated : Adult ++ -:- Chapters : 7 -:- Reviews : 0 -:- Views : 3620 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0
Located : Final Fantasy Games > Final Fantasy XV
This is a series of one shots with the guys! i hope you like them and if you have a request let me know!!
Content Tags : 3Plus Anal BDSM Bond Dom DP Ds Fet Fingering Fist HC HJ Humil MF MiCD MM Non-Fic OC Oneshot Oral PWP Rape SandM SH SI Solo Spank Tort Toys UST Violence WAFF WD WIP
The Lion & The Panther -:- By : Sky -:- Published : September 10, 2018
Updated : September 16, 2018 1:12 am -:- Rated : Adult ++ -:- Chapters : 2 -:- Reviews : 1 -:- Views : 940 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0
Located : Final Fantasy XIV > Yaoi - Male/Male
Okay so this is my very first fic, be mean I need to get better at writing, but dont be to mean. This is a ffxiv fic with characters I made in game, the story has some twists to it but still will have some of the game lore. I'm not good with explaining you'll just have to read it xD. Anyways on to the story.
Content Tags : WIP, Violence
Lost In Corruption -:- By : LuMorsAza -:- Published : March 21, 2014
Updated : September 15, 2018 6:44 am -:- Rated : Adult ++ -:- Chapters : 4 -:- Reviews : 4 -:- Views : 8863 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 0
Located : Final Fantasy VII > Crossovers
The corruption of Mareth has reached out and plucked away heroines from many worlds. What will be their fates?
Content Tags : 3Plus Anal Angst Anthro BDSM Beast Bi B-Mod CR D/s Dom DP Fingering F/D HJ Herm Humil Hum Oral Other Preg Rape Rim SH Solo Tent TF Toys Violence Voy WD WIP
Aftermath -:- By : Sterling -:- Published : January 6, 2007
Updated : August 19, 2018 10:57 am -:- Rated : Adult ++ -:- Chapters : 15 -:- Reviews : 71 -:- Views : 1195 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0
Located : Final Fantasy Anime > Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children
Cloud discovers something mysterious happening in old Midgar. This new threat cannot be ignored without risking dire consequences. Is there love in his future as well? Cloud/Reno (bit of Cloud/Tifa). Shonen-Ai,
Content Tags : COMPLETE M/M
The Curious Girl and the Hound in Sector 7 -:- By : MetallicKnotter -:- Published : August 15, 2018
Updated : August 15, 2018 7:01 am -:- Rated : Adult + -:- Chapters : 1 -:- Reviews : 1 -:- Views : 4883 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1
Located : Final Fantasy Anime > AU - Alternate Universe
A/N: Judging by the title you may have just read, this contains bestiality. Other kinks are inflation, impregnation and total ahegao. If any of these turn you off, don't read. Constructive criticism is appreciated, but don't flame me too much. I've never written anything of this calibre before. Oh, and consider this AU. I can't stand Cloud. (In this fic, he died when the Sector 5 Reactor was destroyed.).
Content Tags : Beast COMPLETE Ms Oneshot Oral Preg
Tifa's interrogation -:- By : xTHEDARKNIGHTx -:- Published : June 11, 2018
Updated : June 11, 2018 6:00 pm -:- Rated : Adult -:- Chapters : 1 -:- Reviews : 0 -:- Views : 4994 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0
Located : Final Fantasy Anime > AU - Alternate Universe
Tifa gets captured by SHINRA and when she refuses to reveal where her friends were hiding scarlet decides to have some fun with her while recording the whole thing to try and smoke out the rest of tifa's friends...
Content Tags : Bond FF Fingering Humil tort rape toys
Legacy of the Lifestream -:- By : butabara -:- Published : June 6, 2012
Updated : May 14, 2018 10:37 pm -:- Rated : Adult ++ -:- Chapters : 52 -:- Reviews : 1 -:- Views : 2349 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0
Located : Final Fantasy VII > General
*Sequel to Harmony's Melody* Our beloved witch finally makes it to Gaia, only to find that life has been less than kind to her friends. Along with her sister and lover, she'll take on a new evil: One formed in the heart of humanity itself.
Content Tags : Abuse Anal Angst BDSM Dom M/F M/M OC Preg Tort Violence
A Respite Before Morn -:- By : Becky -:- Published : May 6, 2018
Updated : May 6, 2018 3:20 pm -:- Rated : Adult -:- Chapters : 1 -:- Reviews : 1 -:- Views : 1602 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0
Located : Final Fantasy Games > Final Fantasy XV
With the Trial of Leviathan weighing heavily on Ignis's mind, he finds himself wishing he could steal Noctis away from all his obligations. Noctis has just the thing to distract his advisor from falling into despair, a chase across Altissia with himself as the prize. When he finally catches him, what does Ignis find? Noctis and Prompto in a salacious bump and grind. Set directly after the events of The Price of Insecurity. Contains slight Episode Ignis spoilers. Ignoct heavy
Content Tags : Anal Angst COMPLETE HJ MM Oral Rim A/B/O Omegaverse Gladio/Noctis Ignis/Noctis
Misfits -:- By : Becky -:- Published : May 6, 2018
Updated : May 6, 2018 3:12 pm -:- Rated : Adult + -:- Chapters : 1 -:- Reviews : 1 -:- Views : 1388 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0
Located : Final Fantasy Games > Final Fantasy XV
Ignis has led a boring existence until he meets Prince Noctis. Gladio feels as though something is missing from his life, but buries himself in his duties, in training his charge. Noctis...can't understand why he isn't like the other Alphas, believing something to be wrong with him. When Noctis's secondary gender finally presents, the impossible now becomes obtainable. Sequal to The Price of Insecurity, or, the story of how they became mates. Can be read alone.
Content Tags : 3Plus COMPLETE HJ MM Oral A/B/O Omegaverse Gladio/Noctis Ignis/Noctis
Seduction Melts -:- By : Becky -:- Published : May 6, 2018
Updated : May 6, 2018 3:07 pm -:- Rated : Adult -:- Chapters : 1 -:- Reviews : 1 -:- Views : 1195 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0
Located : Final Fantasy Games > Final Fantasy XV
Noctis has been going to the same chocolate store for the past month, trying to buy Valentine's chocolates for Ignis. Prompto, fed up of watching Noctis being a coward, takes the initiative and buys some for Noctis to give to Ignis. Taking the plunge, Noctis leaves the chocolates on Ignis's least that's what he thinks he's left.
Content Tags : Anal Angst COMPLETE HJ MM Oral
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