The Crystal Rule | By : QueenDraggyofSwords Category: Final Fantasy Games > Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Views: 985 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Final Fantasy: chrystal Chronicles, any of its characters nor am I making any profit off of them. |
Chapter Twenty
The entire walk to the house, Layle protested being helped. And every time he spoke he was rebuked by Lyra, insisting he focus his energy on moving his feet and keeping himself coordinated. With each time she scolded him, Keiss just chuckled to himself. By all means, Layle being horribly injured wasn't funny. Not in the least. But he couldn't help but be amused by their fighting.
Keiss followed Lyra's lead and took Layle back to the house. They climbed the steps and she pushed open the door. Together the stumbled into the front room and Lyra jerked her head, "The kitchen. Head for the kitchen…" Keiss turned to the left, where Lyra was looking and pulled his partner with him. The trio entered the kitchen and Lyra let go of her son to grab a chair and put him in it. Layle instantly slumped backward and she tiled his head back. "Hey. Look up. Keep your eyes open, Layle." "My eyes -are open, Lyra…" "No they're not." She removed her apron on pressed it to his head. "Keiss, was it? Hold this to his head, don't let him fall asleep. I'll be right back." Keiss put his hand on the wadded up fabric and watched as the woman rushed out of the room. Keiss looked around the kitchen. It was simple. It had a clock up on the wall to tell time, cabinets and counters lining three-fourths of the room, a big window over the sink to see out of, an old antique ice box, and an old carved wood table. Very simple and country. He looked down at Layle who was looking up at him from his right eye. "You still there?" "…Still…where?" "Hey don't fall asleep!" Keiss leaned down and pat the side of his face, "You got'ta focus on something—Le-let's talk." The Selkie rubbed some of the blood away from his friend's face and smiled. "Pick a topic…Talk about anything." He watched as Layle blinked and looked around, "…Where's Lyra?" "She went to go get you some stitches…" The Clavat tried to sit up and Keiss pushed him back down, "Whoa! Hey! Stay down!" "—Behemoth's…Lyra…" "Layle, you got those already! Oh man…Layle, you got to hang on…" Keiss kept his hand pressed down on Layle's skull and kept his other hand on the mercenary's cheek. Ten minutes ago the Clavat was arguing and grumbling about everything. Now seemed to be lulling slowly off to sleep. "Come on, Layle…keep talking to me…Uh…Let's talk about the mission." "… …No…" "Okay, well then…how about Chime's? Hey remember the time we-" Layle started to try and sit up another time and again Keiss pushed him back down. "Layle! Seriously, listen to me!" The Clavat grabbed his wrist and scowled at him through his blurry vision. "Look, you know I am the first person to make light of anything. I'm right there with you when it comes to joking around," He smiled and nodded reassuringly, "But you need to stay put. And not move. Lyra will be right back!" On cue the Clavat woman came back into the kitchen carrying a box, as soon as she came into view Layle stopped trying to get up. "…Lyra…You lied." "Layle, for Crystal's sake, are you trying to get up?" She opened the box, "I swear…You never listen to reason. Keiss, move your hand and fill a bowl up with warm water for me." The Selkie took a step back as the woman came to stand behind his partner. He wasn't sure why, maybe it was the tone of her voice, or the way she carried herself, or perhaps because the image of her fighting a Behemoth was still fresh in his mind, but he did was she said and didn't question it. He filled up a bowl with some warm water and brought it to her and she handed him a towel. "Okay, first we need to clean the wound. Then I can start stitching. …Layle, keep your eyes open." Keiss and Lyra started to wash away the bloodied mess in Layle's hair. The Selkie was patting down around the gash on his head, frowning. It really didn't seem like the blood was going to stop anytime soon. And the less and less responsive Layle became the more and more he felt his stomach knot up. Absently he wondered, when was the last time he felt this worried? It had to have been on the train, but somehow this seemed worse than that. On the train he could breathe. "The –Behemoths…Lyra…Not in your …letters…" "I told you I could handle it. I've been doing just fine." "-If we hadn't—hadn't—had not been here you'd be dead." "James would have come to help me," The Clavat woman stopped wiping up with her towel and asked Keiss to hold Layle's hair back. She took out a needle and thread and started poking into the skin without hesitation. Keiss felt Layle flinch just a bit, but nothing more. In fact they both acted as if this was common place. "…W-where…are the ranch hands-?" Layle lifted his arm waved it about. "—Why am I—sending you g-g-g-il for help…And there's no one here?" Keiss was now curious too. He hadn't thought about the money, not with Layle's head gushing blood everywhere. But indeed, Layle had been mailing out money since he met him. The girl back in town said the monsters in town started a few weeks ago…And the Lilty said Lyra doesn't pay them to watch her land…So, if the money was for workers? Where were they? "…I fired them." "—What!" Layle jolted to sit up and the woman pushed him back down. The Selkie felt the chair jerk. "Sit!" She sighed, "To be more accurate, some of them left. I fired the rest. I didn't want them to get hurt." "So –you get hurt instead!" Keiss again felt the chair shake. Even though Layle wasn't actively moving, the furniture definitely was. "You're getting excited. You'll start bleeding faster." Layle frowned but stayed in the chair. He closed his eyes- probably out of spite. At first Keiss wanted to tug at his arm and make sure he wasn't going to sleep. However when he looked down he saw the Clavat male's hands were clenched into fist. No he wasn't asleep at all. The Selkie kept his hands on Layle's shoulders, just in case he tried to get up again. And even though he didn't feel Layle move, he was certain the chair was moving slightly. Just as Lyra as finishing up the stitches, the front door burst open. "Lyra!" They heard a girl's voice call down the hall. "Lyra! Are you here! Is Layle here?" Keiss looked up as he saw the shop girl fly past the kitchen door, then backtrack and look in. She covered her mouth in horror. "Oh my word! Layle!" " 'Stance. Don't shout." The Woman didn't even look up as she finished wiping up Layle's face. The woman stepped aside and let girl come stand in front of Layle. The blond just kept his eyes shut. "I-is he…asleep?" "No, he's not." Keiss squeezed Layle's shoulder, but smiled at the girl as if nothing was wrong. Constance stared at them and then at Lyra before speaking again. "Lyra…We got'ta take Layle out'ta here! Those Lilties aren't happy about him and the Selkie stealing their bikes! They're coming this way…Dad's trying to stop them from-" "Layle's not going anywhere, Stance." The woman took a step back and started to wash off her needle. "Look at his head. He can't leave for a while." "W-Who's coming?" Layle opened his eyes again. Constance shook her head. "Layle, that guy you tossed and his buddies…You made a mess in town. Half the village is comin-" "Constance," Lyra turned to her, "Stop talking about it. I will deal with them." "B-but-" "I have to agree, Lyra." Keiss spoke up, still hanging onto Layle's shoulders. "I don't think you can take on an angry mob by yourself. At least let me help." The woman shook her head and swept her hand back over her short brown hair. "You see that young man in the chair," She motioned to Layle, "I've had more 'angry mobs' in my front yard in seventeen years thanks to him than most Selkies will riot into in their lifetime." She then smiled and closed up her medical kit and handed it to Constance. "You two stay in here, with Layle. Do not let him get up." Keiss and Constance watched the woman go, leaving just the three youths in the kitchen. No one spoke. There was just the sound of the clock ticking. The girl leaned up against the table staring at Layle, who kept his eyes closed and his lips turned down into a frown. Keiss had gotten another towel soaked in warm water and was holding it to his head. No one spoke. Occasionally there was the sound of a sigh. And then there were voices. The Selkie and the Clavat girl looked at each other. They could hear voices drifting down the hall into the kitchen. Sounded like the town was here… "I…I have to go…" Constance left the kitchen and Keiss frowned. He looked down at Layle. "You awake?" "…yeah…" The Crystal Bearer hesitated, "I'm…awake…" "…You want me to go watch?" "…I …Will…kill you…if you…don't…" Keiss hesitated for a moment before lifting his hands from Layle's shoulders. "Don't leave this room. Don't fall asleep." As he took a step back the voices grew louder and Layle urged him to go again. With one last look back Keiss ran down the hall. He could see Constance leaning against a window in the front room of the house. She had opened it and was listening to the arguments. The Selkie joined her and frowned. "What's going on?" "OH! Selkie….B-but who's watching Layle?" "I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt…What's going on?" Constance looked back at the hall before looking forward again, "It's like I said, Selkie. Those mercenaries aren't happy you stole their bikes. Or that one's totaled…They want Lyra to hand you two over…" Keiss looked out the window. Outside the front of the house and just in front of the long path leading up from the front gate stood Lyra and a muscular looking Clavat male. And just in front of them were the mercenaries, then behind them a few of the town's men had followed and were adding to the ruckus taking place. "Lyra! We told you, you could do what you want with your land so long as it didn't affect the town!" The Clavats in the back shouted. "That kid of yours wrecked my window! The Lilties are threatening to leave! Hand him and the Selkie over to the Authorities! Quit being stubborn woman!" The uproar continued and Lyra and the man next to her stood silently. Keiss couldn't see her face, but he imagined she was looking calm. Her body didn't shift, and she kept her arms crossed. The man at her side kept his hands on his hips. His body was slightly turned so Keiss could see he was frowning. One of the Lilties stepped forward smirking. It was the man Layle had tossed from the bike earlier. Keiss could swear he saw glass still on the man's shoulder. "See, lady. The way the town figures it, you owe us. And this time there is no 'I'm not paying' attitude…So, hand over the Crystal Bearer and the Selkie and we'll be on our way. OR, you can pay for the damages to our equipment, and interest for their interference with our work." Keiss shook his head, "That guy… I could write the Lieutenant and have a few soldiers out here in days…" "Lieutenant?" The girl looked at him puzzled. They both turned their attentions back to the outside as Lyra spoke up. "I'm not paying you lot anything." She pointed to the men in the back, "I will cover any damages to your homes and stores we're responsible for…But I'm not paying the mercenaries. It's your job to fight monsters. You should be able to cover your bikes." The Lilty stomped his foot, "You bitch! Are you listening to me! I want those criminals! Give me that kid or I will turn our weapons on you!" "Okay," Keiss stood up, "I'm going out the-" The Selkie stopped just as he heard a crash behind him. Both he and Constance turned to see a picture and its frame broken on the ground. The two got up from their window and rushed into the hallway where Layle was already half way to the front door. "Damn it!" Keiss rushed forward and grabbed him. "Layle! Now who's a liar!" "—let—me—go-" "Layle!" The Selkie pulled him backward, "You need to stay still your head is still really tender! And you are in no condition to-" Keiss suddenly felt himself stop. Layle had his hand on his chest, and he had wrapped his partner in blue light. The Selkie struggled to move, but actually found that doing so seemed to make the hold tighter. Almost to the point of suffocation. Was that intentional? "L-La-Layle!" The Clavat pushed him away, and the added jolt of gravity sent him banging to the wall, knocking down a few more pictures. Constance shouted at him to stop. Layle didn't even look back as Keiss slid down the wall. "W-what the hell…?" The Selkie looked on as Layle opened the door and stepped outside. "Are you alright!" Constance squat down next to him. "Y-yeah…" Keiss looked out the door and stood up. "W-we need to go and stop him…" The girl shook her head. "You can't stop Layle when he's angry like that…" Keiss took a few tender steps forward, "Angry? Layle doesn't get angry…" He bit the side of his lip, except for earlier in town… The girl followed him. "You don't know Layle, like we know Layle." Keiss came to stand in the door with Constance and watch. The people behind the mercenaries had started to back up, the moment they actually laid eyes on the Crystal Bearer. Even though she had her back to the door, Lyra knew as soon as they started retreating something was wrong. She turned around and shouted, "Layle! Go back inside!" He stopped for a moment, looking at her, before walking forward again. Keiss watched as the man next to Lyra stepped aside. He didn't even try to stop Layle. The head Lilty walked forward smiling, "Ah it would seem you have some sense, coming to give yourself up, Crystal Bearer?" Lyra turned the Lilty and shouted at him, "Leave! Right now! We'll pay your stupid fine, just get off my land!" "Shut up!" The man came to stand toe to toe with Layle, who was surprisingly, managing to keep himself upright. "The boy is giving himself up, you can keep your money," The man nodded at Layle, "Now, where is your partner?" Layle's eyes narrowed at the Lilty, but he didn't talk. "Come on. I don't have all evening. Where is he?" "…Off…" Layle muttered. "What?" "Get off…" The Crystal Bearer raised his voice, "Get off. Get off—Get off! Our! RANCH!" Layle put his hands on the Lilty and shoved him. Under normal circumstances he should have just fallen onto the ground. However the Crystal Bearer had put a bit of his power into the push. Well perhaps more than 'a bit' as the man was sent flying backward. The impact and force of Layle's powers sent him skidding for several feet, his body just tumbling in the air until he hit the ground. Even then he kept rolling. Keiss was sure the man actually did not stop until he was at the gate of the property. At once the town's people present took off running. The remaining mercenaries raised their guns and started to shoot. Layle put up a dome around his body deflecting the bullets. The Clavat then reached out and grabbed onto two of their weapons. The men refusing to let go felt themselves be dragged into the air and tossed violently back and forth. Keiss ran down the steps shouting Layle's name. The way his partner was flinging the men around he would snap their necks soon enough. Just as Keiss ran past the large man that had been standing with Lyra, he reached out and grabbed his arm. "Stop, Selkie!" "Let me go!" He tried to pull away from him as he watched Layle finally let those two go and tossed them just as far as their partner. Of the remaining three mercenaries, two ran and one stood his ground. He sat on his Crystal Bike getting ready to fire, and the Bearer charged at him. Before he could get the bikes gun off Layle seized it in a field of gravity and tossed the bike- and its rider high into the air. He held onto them and kept them up there, and just as with Keiss in the house, as the man tried to fight to get down, the blue circle slowly started to close in around him. "Layle!" Lyra ran up to him and grabbed his arms. "Layle! Put him down! Layle! Listen to me!" She started to tug on his jacket and looked up frantically. Finally she took a step back and shook her head shouting she smacked him across the face. At once the gravity field broke and the mercenary and his bike fell. They landed with a loud crash. The man slowly climbed out and hobbled away, his leg most likely broken. Layle on the other hand toppled over. Even though it was just a smack across the face, the blond fell forward to his knees gasping for air and holding his head. His entire body hurt as if the barn had come crashing down on him all over again. Lyra put her hands on his shoulders and shook her head, "Layle…Layle! Damn it, Layle…you're bleeding again…You promised me. You promised you weren't going to lose your temper any more…" Layle just shook his head and leaned forward until his head hit her dress. The Clavat holding Keiss finally let him go, but the Selkie didn't move. "W-what in the world…" He blinked, dazed at what had just happened. "I have never…Never seen Layle…do things like that before." "You haven't?" The man spoke up, "Well then, take a good look. And remember to never get on that Crystal Bearer's bad side." Keiss looked forward and frowned. Is this…Why Layle did not want to come here?It took them a good twenty minutes to stitch Layle up again. Afterward, Constance and James- as Keiss had learned his name amidst Lyra's fussing at everyone- had gone back to town to survey the uproar they were sure would follow. After they were gone and Layle was done flipping out and bleeding, Lyra had asked Keiss to sit with him while she checked out all the damage done to the ranch before the sun finished setting.
That left just Layle and Keiss, sitting in the front room of the house. The Crystal Bearer looked pale and miserable and kept his head resting on Keiss' shoulder. They sat together on the large couch in the room. Nothing was said, but occasionally Layle would sigh, or flinch, or let out a painful whine. The Selkie kept an arm wrapped around his waist. He wanted to talk about something, anything to try and cheer Layle up. To cheer himself up, too. But all he could do was squeeze his partner's side and let his eyes roam around the room. In between his mind trying to make light of things and panicking that he felt Layle falling asleep, Keiss had come to realize that Lyra's home was actually very lavishly decorated for a Clavat. It wasn't the high end of Alfitaria, but she had a lot of nice things, a big house, and lots of land. He had heard both her and Layle mention this was a ranch, and from glancing around he quickly realized it was Chocobos the woman was raising out here. There were a few awards here and there for the creatures. And a picture of a bird or two winning at the Chocobo Circuit. But what had really drawn his eye, were a few pictures over the fire place. Perhaps it was years of training himself to look for clues in settings, or just his own curiosity about his partner and the mother he never knew about, but he was dying to get up and look at them closely. Keiss kicked himself mentally for even having the desire to get up and leave the couch. But at the same time form here he was lined up perfectly with a picture that looked like a ten year old version of Layle and bit of a younger version of Lyra sitting on a fence. Inwardly he wondered if he was a bad person for wanting to look at the picture and burn it into his brain to remind Layle what he looked like as a child. Keiss felt the Crystal Bearer shift and sit up. He turned his head and leaned forward a bit to look him in the eyes. "Hey, you okay?" "…Tired…" was all Layle said. "…Look I know you're tired, but you can't sleep. …Let's get you some water or something. When Lyra comes back maybe she'll get you something to ea-" "No." Layle started to stand up and Keiss got up before him and put his hands on his shoulders. "Hey. I am not letting you go again. Last time I did, you went bat shit." "…They deserved…that…" "Even so. You sit." Keiss held him in place. The two stared at each other before Layle sighed and leaned back into the couch. The Selkie let go and stood back watching him, and sighed. "Until she gets back, you need to stay awake, okay? …Man if we were in the city I could just take you to the hospital…" Layle's only response to that was to let out a long sigh. Keiss walked around the back of the couch and stood over him, looking down into his dulled out stoic face. "Crystal Bearer…" The red head glanced over his shoulder for a second before leaning down and kissing his partner lightly on the lips. "You can make it, Layle. I know you can." The blond lightly smiled and started to raises his hand to pull Kiess back down, however he stopped when they both heard Lyra calling to them. She entered the front room and sighed tossing her apron over her shoulder with a bit of a smile. "All right. Let's work on building your strength back up, Layle. You can't sleep, so that means you're stuck with me, my medicine, and a bowl of soup all night." The Crysal Bearer groaned and muttered to Keiss to save him. The Selkie shook his head, "Is it, really that bad?" "…Is Regal…annoying?" The Selkie chuckled and leaned down to pat Layle's shoulder, "Well, at least your already getting your sense of humor back." Layle's lips half twisted, "You've been… Laughing this whole ….time….Jerkass."While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. The AFF system includes a rigorous and complex abuse control system in order to prevent improper use of the AFF service, and we hope that its deployment indicates a good-faith effort to eliminate any illegal material on the site in a fair and unbiased manner. This abuse control system is run in accordance with the strict guidelines specified above.
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