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Reviews for Defining Love

By : DB2020
  • From Leonhart29 on June 25, 2007
    Wow - I'm speechless. Cale gone? I always expected him to turn out to be a bad guy, and he didn't. Now I feel a loss. Please update soon (I hate saying that) I'll be interested to see what you've come up with.
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  • From ANON - Imawilburd on June 21, 2007
    wow so good but turning into an epic. not that I mind just like to see more progress with S/Sa but its geting there thanks
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  • From ANON - Lady Shinigami on June 14, 2007
    Well, that was quite a twist. I admit that I did predict it, but not until this chapter (twenty-seven) when Squall began to grow anxious. As pointed out, he would have at least a basic knowledge of human psychology so as to better perform his duties as a mercenary. I'm very interested in finding out what took place, as one would think that Squall would be at least on the way to the hospital in critical condition (I have a hunch already, but in case I'm wrong or I might unintentionally ruin it for others, I'll keep it to myself). It doesn't entirely come out of left field, since Luca's jealousy was obvious from the start, but it may not have been quite so sudden if there had been just a little more exploration of the situation, such as Squall feeling as though he's being watched and then moments later actually coming into contact with Luca or seeing him at a distance (not every time, nor would they need to even speak, just meet). In this chapter it would have been easier, then, for Squall to transfer the feeling of being watched from Seifer, who I (and perhaps others?) believed to be the one responsible for it, onto Luca.

    By the way, I appreciate you not having Seifer realize he's in love yet; I hadn't thought about it until you said it, but that would have definitely been even more cliché. Though I'm a total romantic and never would have complained for an instant, it'll be more interesting if you don't do it. You're a wonderful writer, so you make even the clichés work nicely. ^_^

    Also, while I believe I understand ChibiRisu-chan's feelings on the matter of this chapter--after all, it is indeed cliché to have a jealous-lover-killing-spree sort of thing--I have to disagree that it has, in so many words, irrevocably destroyed the story's possibilities.

    While Cale was wonderfully three-dimensional, he was also extremely calm and in control and not easy to anger (as shown in his patience with Lore and, moreso, Luca). He struck me as being a 'gentle giant' and from your forays into his thoughts he was quick to strangle any jealousy he felt because he rightly understood, even if he did not consciously think it, that Squall was as much at fault as Seifer for any infidelity. On top of that, Cale was so insecure about his standing with Squall (as seen in his constant forgiveness--seemingly done in hopes that Squall would appreciate him more for it) that I don't find it possible that he would take up arms, physically or metaphorically, to fight Seifer. Not of his own volition, anyway, whether or not he was actually tempted to. Even if he was guaranteed to win, I consider it more than likely that he would ask Squall to make a choice (as he had several times before, including this chapter) and then respect that choice even if it broke his heart. If, however--and here I am paraphrasing from another fic--Squall asked Cale for the world, I have no doubt that Cale would immediately conquer it in the commander's name.

    (If Squall had chosen Seifer and CALE had been the one to become the raging jealous lover, THEN I would have had to roll my eyes because that is not the character you have led us to believe he is all this time. Didn't you say once that he disliked violence a lot? I can't recall--maybe I'm imagining it, since that's possible. ^_^;; If nothing else, that's how your descriptions of him have made me view him. Though I can see where his clinginess and all-forgiving behavior could result in aggression, if his love was as true as it appeared then I consider it highly unlikely.)

    I tend to think that any open conflict between Seifer and Cale would have been flat and uninteresting, whether verbal or physical. Seifer is obviously the greater and more scathing wit after years and years of first-hand experience with delinquency, while Cale was kind and non-aggressive and just as obviously someone those around him liked and respected for those exact reasons. He would flounder pathetically in a verbal confrontation and it would be sickening to read, particularly since Squall, who appeared to have developed some kind of affection for Cale, would not have been impressed with Seifer in the slightest. Depending on whether Cale had a past including military or wrestling training, a physical battle would have potentially had the same outcome as a verbal one. Even if Cale was taller and heavier than Seifer and would win a hand-to-hand battle, Seifer has FAR too much training and life experience to let himself get drawn too close to an adversary, especially if he has a clear goal. A battle including weaponry would take place in a similar fashion. Beyond that, Squall is no idiot--he would have found out about it eventually, even if they had kept it from him, and been angry at both of them for acting like he was a woman who needed to be fought over and owned like property. As you've already covered the 'like a woman' bit earlier, it would all be an unnecessary and wasteful rehash and not nearly as funny the second time around.

    Following that, Cale's death is doubtless going to have a very big impact on Squall, who--if he did not LOVE Cale, respected him very much. Already, I can imagine Squall thinking, "If I hadn't gone there, Luca wouldn't have lost it," and that thought will surely be exacerbated by the fact that he had debated even going to Cale's apartment in the first place. He will analyze every single detail of the event and think of dozens of ways he could have prevented it, which will only cause his guilt to swell that much more. He may or may not blame Seifer (I doubt it--he takes responsibility for his choices, possibly more than he needs to) and it will probably further affect his relationship with Lore, possibly Laguna as well.

    I also don't forsee him turning to Seifer merely because Seifer is the 'right choice'--at least in regards to Seifer, Squall does not and so far has never simply ACCEPTED something because it appeared there was no other way. At this point, I expect Squall to continue to resist Seifer--potentially with even more vigor than before--and to be far more interested in slicing Seifer into little bits, or at least consistently giving him a shoulder with a temperature of absolute zero, than running into his arms and sobbing like a woman or otherwise essentially saying, "I was a fool to think there was any choice but you." Cale aside, Squall is clearly too worried about repairing his relationship with Lore to care about what Seifer wants or needs or what his presence means to the brunet's mind/body. They may get along well enough for this event, but the instant it's over Squall will not stick around.

    I think the 'real' resolution ChibiRisu-chan is looking for is still in play. Cale's presence doesn't have to be physical to throw a wrench in Seifer's gears; I have no doubt that Cale will indeed linger in Squall's mind as the 'what-if?' alternative for a very long time before Seifer finally manages to convince the brunet that he's worth the trouble.

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  • From inuluvver10 on June 11, 2007
    OMG I LOVE YOU!!! Please write more!!!
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  • From ANON - sirina on June 10, 2007
    It's just too bad you decided to remove Cale from this story 'cause I really like that character. But well... you are the writer, so... ;P Anyway, I must say I really like you're story from the start, even if you make Seifer a tad more of a bastard that what I usually read. An interesting story so far!
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  • From ANON - Neon Tokyo on June 10, 2007
    Ahhh XD Sudden angst! ^.^ Awesome chapter!
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  • From ANON - Brittny on June 10, 2007
    Holy shit! O__O
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  • From ANON - chibirisuchan on June 10, 2007
    I'm sorry to have to say this, but I'm really, bitterly disappointed that you took the most cliched possible way of resolving the problem.

    I'd been reading through in absolute fascination, and I'd really been enjoying your writing up to this chapter -- you'd done what almost no fanfic writer ever does; you'd created a realistic complication between the 'destined lovers' and 'the other guy' that HADN'T made the other guy a flat two-dimensional stereotype that was obviously bad for the conflicted hero. Your OC was a decent human being and didn't suffer from either the 'horribly abusive bad boyfriend type' or the 'too perfect to be real mary sue type', and Seifer wasn't 'obviously the correct alternative,' and I'd been really looking forward to seeing how you *would* manage to resolve a genuine conflict between two characters, especially when the 'wrong' choice was such a reasonable and compassionate person that there really wasn't a clear-cut 'right' and 'wrong' choice in the story itself -- the only indication of 'right' and 'wrong' choices came from the author's notes repeatedly assuring the readers that the 'right' choice was going to be Seifer. I'd never seen a fanfic author handle this kind of story as well as you have, with as much complexity in the relationship and as much honesty in the interactions.

    To have all that build-up just thrown away because you take one of the two of them out of the equation by killing him off so that the 'right choice' doesn't have to deal with his rival? It's horribly, horribly disappointing, and I'd really expected better based on the quality of your writing so far.

    I feel disappointed as a reader who'd been so much looking forward to seeing a *real* resolution. Having all that promise thrown away with the expedient of "hey he's dead so Squall doesn't have to think about the alternative anymore" feels like a betrayal of all the work and development you'd put into the story so far.

    Have you given any thought to the possibility of writing an alternate ending? Because you clearly have the talent to be able to resolve this *without* resorting to that kind of a cliched cop-out, and I'd love to see it happen.
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  • From ANON - Akila on June 10, 2007
    I love this story. I knew this would be a great chapter but wow! I can't wait to read what happens next.
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  • From ANON - Miss Kumi Kuu on June 09, 2007
    OMG, poor Cale! T_T I did not see that coming...I liked Cale too. xD Oh well, more love for Seifer. :3 And that poor kid aswell. ;.; I can't wait for an update. ;3
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  • From ANON - LalaLacia on June 08, 2007
    I love you. You cannot write fast enough for me! Thank you, thank you!
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  • From Corculum on May 27, 2007
    Can I just say that this chapter, was even better then I had imagined it would be! @_@ Like, WOW. Seriously, you are a genius, it is fact. I can't praise you enough ;_ ; I love All of your Seifer/Squall fics so much @___@ And this one is no exception XD

    But yes, ah, the delicious angst that will follow! XD Gotta love complications, if you could call this that ^^;;

    This is too good, it's just too good XD *overload*

    But I'm going insane waiting for the next chapter o_o so, feel free to post it, you know, whenever *coughASAPcough* >_>;

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  • From ANON - leafzelindor on May 10, 2007
    holy crapola
    Beautiful job, i mean, really.. you handled that really well. Seifer's obliviousness was perfect. THe whole thing -waves a hand- can't wait to see more of this.
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  • From ANON - Hikaru on May 09, 2007
    Not definitely mi favorite lemon between the pair, but the chapter itself is great. I worry how will react Lore with Seifer and Squall involved. (sigh) -_- . The chap was long in writting, but easy to read and enjoy. thanks for update, and you know I want more updates soon!!!
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  • From ANON - Tigerlily on May 08, 2007
    That was great!! And I don't think it seems like they are moving further apart. On the contrary I think Sifers reaction afterwards are the first signs that he cares about Squall since this time he is trying to help without aiming for something in return as he must be well aware that Squall might never want to see him again.
    Your writing is super and Ienjoy reading this story very much!!!!
    Please I'm on the edge of my seat!!!Update! Update! Update! ( I apologize for my impatience ;-)
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