Premonitions II-B: Vincent’s Blues | By : Hippo_and_Friends_with_Benefits Category: Final Fantasy VII > General Views: 1035 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Final Fantasy VII, not any characters therin. I am not making any money off of this work. |
Chapter 4: Eros Nova
Tuesday, February 5, 0008
The noon sun shone brightly in the midday sky as the Highwind landed on the northeast side of the island of Eros Nova. It was a small island, but not too small for Sephiroth to hide on.
Vincent, Zack, Cid, Barret, Red XIII, Cait Sith, Yuffie, and Jessie stepped out onto the hot sandy terrain, and could feel the heat immediately. Eros Nova was one of the hottest places in the world, both literally and figuratively.
"This is the southernmost point of civilization," Cid pointed out as he wiped the sweat from his forehead.
"That we know about," Red XIII added.
It was realized that, in regards to whether there was a Southern Continent, they would soon know the answer.
"So what now?" Yuffie asked.
"We search the island," Barret replied. "Sephiroth's gotta be somewhere on it."
"The whole island?" Yuffie inquired. "That would take a while."
"We'll split," Barret explained. "Some of us take the prude side, some of us take the nude side."
"How thorough will the search be?" Red XIII asked.
"We'll ask around," Barret answered. "Everyone'll know what Sephiroth looks like. If they saw somethin', they'll say somethin'."
"So," Yuffie continued with her hands folded behind her back, "how are we going to decide who takes what side?"
Yuffie, of course, was hoping for the nude side.
"I'll make that call," Barret assured her.
"Since I don't wear clothes anyway," Red XIII began, "I may as well take the nude side."
"Second," added Cait Sith. "I don't wear any clothes and I don't have any genitals, either."
"You didn't have to be that graphic," Red XIII reprimanded.
"Makes sense," Barret agreed. "I approve."
"Two more exposed pussies on the nude side," Cid pointed out.
Everyone stared at him blankly.
"Come on!" he protested. "That was funny, right?"
Everyone continued to star at him blankly.
"What side am I on?" Yuffie asked, no longer able to contain herself.
"The prude side," Barret replied.
"Damn!" Yuffie snapped.
"Along with Cid, Zack, Jessie, and myself," Barret added. "Vincent can join Cait Sith and Red XIII on the nude side."
"That would make sense," Vincent agreed. "Nobody on the nude side would likely be a necrophile."
Cid slowly turned towards Vincent.
"Can you even get it up?" he asked.
Vincent stood silently, cold as a statue.
"Never mind," Cid continued. "Sorry I asked."
Wasting no time, Vincent, Red XIII, and Cait Sith went off to where they said they would be going off to. Zack, Barret, Yuffie, Cid, and Jessie remained on the prude side.
Suddenly, Barret felt a hand clasping his.
Of course, it was Jessie's.
"We should come back here when we're done," she began. "The prude side, of course. I haven't worn a bikini in forever."
"You guys," Yuffie reprimanded, "Sephiroth is somewhere on this island. Need I remind you that he kills people?"
"No need," Jessie assured her.
"You can have your date later," Yuffie insisted.
"Who died an' left you in charge?" Barret demanded.
The three "lucky" ones arrived at the nude side and began exploring. It might be expected that they were having the time of their lives, but that was certainly not the case. In Red XIII's case, he was simply not human, and was not attracted to any of the flesh he saw. As far as Cait Sith went, he was, of course, actually Reeve, who had a husband and daughter at home.
This left Vincent, who had only one woman on his mind. At one point during the search, he became separated from the other two. He had been planning this ever since he realized that he was going to Eros Nova. By chance, he happened upon his fortune; someone had abandoned a hand-held mirror on the sand. Vincent quickly picked the mirror up, and immediately viewed whom he had been hoping to view.
"Aren't you hot?" Lucrecia asked.
"I'm dead," Vincent replied, addressing her in the mirror.
"You remember what this place meant to us, don't you?" Lucrecia asked.
"Of course I do," Vincent replied. "Our first vacation together."
Vincent remembered seeing the palm trees swing in the breeze as he stepped off the plane. It was then that he knew he was in the tropics, and an awfully long way from home.
Lucrecia stepped off second, wearing a white skirt and a black tank top. She took off her sunglasses and looked around at her surroundings.
"We're in paradise," she announced.
It was a month after Vincent had met Lucrecia's mother. It had actually been Vincent who suggested that they take their first vacation together, though it was Lucrecia who envisioned Eros Nova. They were on the "prude side," as they had planned nothing more than good clean fun.
A ride share drove them to the hotel; Lucrecia was holding Vincent's hand and smiling the entire ride over. She was relieved to get away from her job, and to spend time with Vincent, purely as a couple. She was no longer a scientist; for now, she was simply Vincent Valentine's girlfriend.
After a brief ride, they arrived at their hotel. The manager himself greeted them, shook both their hands, and led them to their hotel room. Their room had a king-sized bed and wooden walls.
As soon as the manager left, Lucrecia threw herself on the bed.
"Whew!" she exclaimed. "No work for a week!"
She then patted the empty spot next to her, signaling Vincent to join her.
That night, she wore the same short, blue, satin, spaghetti-strap chemise nightgown that she had worn before; Vincent was shirtless in pajama bottoms. Both of them were hoping to consummate their relationship on the trip, but neither pursued the opportunity that night.
They spent the second day in the "pool area." The name had two meanings: there was a swimming pool there, as well as a pool table.
Vincent was wearing white trunks; Lucrecia a white bikini. It was the most they had seen of each other yet, and one was often trying to sneak a peek at the other when said other was not looking.
They played volleyball with several other guests in the pool. They then played pool, still in their swimwear. There was a small bar where they had their lunch and dinner; they spent a total of twelve hours in the "pool area" without leaving.
On the third day, they went sailing in the waters off of the north coast. They also went snorkeling blow. Lucrecia was amazed; she had never seen water so clear before. She and Vincent would frequently remove their masks to kiss. It truly was a beautiful world, as Lucrecia almost began to wish she was a mermaid.
On the fourth day, Vincent and Lucrecia spotted, out of the corners of their eyes, someone they knew: Hojo. Neither one of them was happy to see him.
"What's he doing down here?" Lucrecia asked.
Vincent shrugged.
"Forget I asked," she sighed. "Everyone knows he tries to get into every girl's pants he can. The real question is what is he doing on the prude side?"
"The prude side?" Vincent asked.
Lucrecia put her hand to her mouth and began to giggle.
"What's so funny?" he inquired.
"You do know about that little tidbit?" she replied. "About the island?"
He gave her a dumbfounded look.
"I'll take that as a no," she observed. "The whole western third of the island is clothing optional."
"I did not know that," Vincent admitted.
And then, Lucrecia suddenly smiled and kissed him.
"You really just came with me to have some good clean fun?" she asked.
"Why wouldn't I?" he replied.
She then kissed him again.
On the fifth day, Lucrecia was unusually quiet, as if she had something on her mind. She was by no means distant; she was holding his hand the entire time. She was dressed in a pair of green cargo capris and a mahogany tank top, and had led him to the southernmost point on the island. There was a telescope pointed south; Lucrecia was the first to look into it.
"You've got to see this!" she exclaimed.
Vincent obeyed and looked into the telesope. To the south, he could see dark gray clouds, as well as large, rough waves, and flashes of lightening.
"What is it?" he asked, still gazing at the menacing drama out in the distance.
"It's the Storm Belt," she replied. "If you travel south, you won't get any farther than this. This goes around the entire planet."
"What's on the other side?" Vincent asked.
"No one knows," she answered. "I personally think there's a Southern Continent."
"And nobody's tried to cross it?"
"A few people went in," Lucrecia informed him. "None of them came out."
"I wonder what's on the Southern Continent," Vincent stated.
"Maybe towns like Kalm, maybe cities like Midgar," she suggested. "Maybe forests, mountains, and creatures we've never seen before."
At that point, Vincent removed himself from the telescope and stared into the ocean with his own eyes. He could no longer see the storm. He then felt Lucrecia's elbow casually resting on his shoulder.
"God, I wish I could get beyond that Storm Belt," she said before pecking him on the cheek.
She then stepped away from him.
Vincent had heard of the Storm Belt before, but he had never thought about what might lie beyond it. He looked into the horizon one more time. He then turned around.
And that was when he noticed. Lucrecia was standing with her back turned to him, with her head turned just enough so he could see her smiling at him. She had taken off her pants, and was wearing a lime green thong bikini bottom.
Before Vincent could say anything, she made her way up to him, put her hands on his shoulders, and kissed him on the mouth.
"This has been on my mind all day," she said with a smile. "If you want, we can go to the nude side. We're only about half a mile from the boundary."
Vincent was astounded. They were still somewhat early in their relationship, and had not seen her invitation coming.
"Are you sure?" he asked.
Lucrecia smiled and nodded.
"I think I'm ready for us to take that step," she replied.
With that, she kissed him again, pressing her tongue against his.
And then, Vincent realized he was resting his hand on her butt.
And she did not object; she simply broke the kiss and smiled.
"Well," she began, "shall we?"
He smiled back.
Lucrecia then handed him her discarded capris.
"Carry your girlfriend's pants for her?" she sweetly requested.
Vincent tucked them under his right arm, and took Lucrecia's hand with his left.
The walk was not long; after a few minutes, they came across the sign: BEYOND THIS POINT, YOU MAY ENCOUNTER NUDE BATHERS.
Said bathers were already visible. As they crossed the boundary, they paid no attention to them; they were only interested in each other.
Soon, they arrived at their spot on the beach. Smiling, Lucrecia let go of her boyfriend's hand and stepped several yards in front of him. Without hesitating, she tossed off her tank, revealing that she was not wearing a bikini top. She then turned her head towards Vincent once more, allowing him to see her smile. She then gripped her green thong bottoms, slipped them down, and stepped out of them. She then turned to Vincent, made her way over to him, and kissed him.
"My God, my vagina's out!" Lucrecia exclaimed before laughing.
She then kissed him again before scanning his clothed body.
"Now Vincent," she playfully reprimanded, "it's not fair for me to be the only one naked. We can do CMNF later."
Vincent disrobed as he was told. Then, he heard the icing on the cake.
"Ready to lose your virginity in public?"
"In public?" he asked in surprise.
"Animals do it," she pointed out. "And we're glorified animals, aren't we?"
"I can't believe we made love the first time with people watching," Lucrecia sighed.
"We weren't the only ones," Vincent replied. "I saw three couples doing the same thing shortly before I found the mirror."
"This place is one of a kind," she laughed.
"Of course," he continued, "I'm not here for sensuality."
Lucrecia closed her eyes.
"I know," she said. "You're after my son."
"We learned he was going south," he continued. "So we came here. He seemed to have joined some cult. He's off to some mythical placed called Xenara. He's supposed to meet the Great Father. I'm assuming that's their god."
"He's not here," she informed him as she opened her eyes.
"Are you sure?" Vincent asked.
"The bond between a mother and son is strong," she continued. "He's not on this island."
Vincent was silent. He had a feeling that this island would be a dead end. And yet, perhaps it would not be.
"If you can feel where he is," he began, "where is he?"
"If I tell you," Lucrecia replied, "will you promise not to kill him?"
"We agreed to that long ago," he promised. "The whole world needs him alive."
"I do feel him south of here," Lucrecia said.
"But that would take us past the Storm Belt," Vincent pointed out.
"I know," she admitted. "But if he made it through..."
And she disappeared before she finished.
Each party searched every corner of Eros Nova, but found no sign of Sephiroth.
"Well, that was productive," Yuffie said sarcastically after everyone regrouped. "Nobody found one lead?!"
Red XIII shook his head. "Everyone knows what Sephiroth looks like. Nobody's seen him."
"Great," Cid grunted. "We came all this fucking way for nothing!"
Vincent decided it was time to tell the truth.
"That's not entirely accurate," he said.
"Oh?" Cid replied sarcastically.
"I think it's time I told everyone about...Lucrecia Crescent."
"This better take less than an hour," Cid sighed.
Cid was practically laughing.
"Where do you come up with this bullshit, anyway?"
"I don't think that's the case," Red XIII dismissed. "Remember she appeared in that cave? The others there saw her, too."
"And now she's appearin' in mirrors," Barret added. "That is kinda hard to swallow."
"I'm not lying," Vincent insisted. "She's been appearing to me through mirrors now. She said she feels his presence south of here. Beyond the Storm Belt."
"Are you sure you can trust her?" Cid asked. "She is Sephiroth's mom."
"What else can we do?" Vincent replied. "Sephiroth's on the loose. The last time he ran amok, he nearly killed us all."
"Vincent has a point," Zack added. "It's vague, but it's the only lead we have. And who knows whether there's things out there much worse than the Black Materia."
"That guy who freed Sephiroth said they were going south, Red XIII pointed out. "And if he's not on this island, he has to be south of here."
"But how did he get through the Storm Belt?" Cait Sith inquired.
"That's one hell of a question," Zack admitted. "But him getting through it proves that it can be survived."
Everyone was silent. It was clear that a trek into the Storm Belt was inevitable at this point.
"Excuse me," a female voice suddenly called.
The seven of them turned to see a black-haired girl approach them. She seemed to be in her mid-to-late teens.
"Aren't you Zack Fair?" the girl asked.
"That's my name," Zack replied. "What can I do you for?"
"My name is Ellie," the girl introduced. "And I overheard you guys talking about crossing over to the Southern Continent."
"If it exists," Cid corrected.
"Oh, it exists," Ellie stated. "I came from there."
The seven of them looked at her skeptically.
"You got through the Storm Belt?" Red XIII asked.
"I sure did," Ellie replied.
There was more silence. This almost seemed too good to be true.
"You sure?" Barret inquired.
"I'll show you!" Ellie declared.
"This is it?" Yuffie asked skeptically.
"This is it," Ellie replied.
The vessel was spherical, resting comfortably in the water at the dock.
"Being a sphere, it's impossible to capsize," Ellie continued.
"And you're letting us take it?" Jessie asked.
"Of course I'll let you take it," Ellie replied.
"What's the catch?" Barret asked.
"I have no use for it," Ellie insisted. "There's no catch. It's served its purpose for me."
Everyone looked at each other in relief.
"That was easy," Yuffie said.
"The real challenge is yet to come," Red XIII pointed out.
"What about the Highwind," Cid suddenly blurted out. "We can't just leave it there!"
"He's right," Jessie realized. "We can't have it fall into the wrong hands."
There was less of a silence here. One of them made it obvious he did not want to make the journey into the Storm Belt.
"I'll stay behind and keep an eye on it," Cid announced as he walked off without a word.
"What a cowardly pussy!" Yuffie exclaimed. She then turned toward Red XIII. "Sorry."
"That would be understandable," the felid said.
A few minutes later, the remaining seven boarded the sphere.
"Guys," Cait Sith began, "I've been thinking."
"What's up?" asked Jessie.
"Ellie was quick to give up her vessel, as if she never wanted to use it again," Cait Sith replied.
"And?" Jessie inquired.
"Well," the cat continued, "it sounds like she was running away from something on the other side."
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