Under the Al-Bhed's Grip! (Yuna x Rikku) | By : TristyandShane Category: Final Fantasy X > Yuri - Female/Female Views: 1145 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: Final Fantasy is owned by Square Enix. This fanfiction was written for fun and not for profit. |
000 - Shy
"Yunie!!! You're so pretty!"
“Y-you’re making me blush, Rikku…”
"Maybe I like it when you blush!" Rikku answered cheekily. "And...someone needs to tell ya, right?!"
“Well…I guess as long as it’s you. That’s okay,” answered Yuna with a warm smile over her lips, as her eyes shifted to the side. “It’s still weird just standing here like this, though. I've never felt comfortable with clothes that...show so much of my skin...”
"Is it really that weird, Yunie?" Rikku questioned teasingly, and soon she swathed an arm around Yuna's bare shoulders, giving her one of those side hugs. "I think you look perfect. Besides, I picked that outfit out for ya, so you better appreciate how good you look!"
"In this really...skimpy...swimming costume? Uh...if you say so, Rikku," giggled Yuna. "Now, shall we head to the beach? I don't want to...stand around here like this any longer...at leasst the water will hide what I look like right now."
Rolling those green-coloured orbs, Rikku snickered. "Whatever you say, Yunie."
001 - Home
"Yunie!!!" Rikku ran up towards the brunette, and soon placed the palms of her hands onto her shoulders. Green orbs stared into those blue and green, and Rikku wore such a wide toothy grin along her lips. "I've finally found you, Yunie!"
As Rikku placed her hands onto Yuna's shoulders, the brunette reached behind Rikku and pulled her into a hug. "Rikku! It's so good to see you. Have you been looking for me?"
"I would be lying if I said I wasn't," admitted Rikku, holding a finger up to her lip. She intoned a small 'hmm". Rikku leaned into Yuna, green eyes still staring up. "That's not a bad thing, right?"
"It's not a bad thing at all," she answered sweetly, before seeing her chance to tease her cousin for once. Yuna positoned a single hand onto her hip, as this hip leaned to one side. Being a gunner now and wearing such a freeing outfit, Yuna felt more confident in herself, no longer being modest with her posture. "Did you need something?"
"I just want your company, Yunie. We didn't spend much time together on the pilgrimage, so maybe we could do that now," she suggested, raising a curious blonde brow. Hands moved downward, and Rikku held onto one of Yuna's hands. "Pretty please, Yunie? Maybe stay here in Besaid, or go to Luca...or something."
"Well, I have always wanted the chance to show you around Besaid. It is where I grew up after Bevelle." Clasping her hands, Yuna nodded her head with a warm smile. "You only had to ask. I'm more than happy to spend time with you, Rikku." With that, Yuna began to lace their fingers together, holding her hand. "Shall we?"
"Oh, yeah! That's a super good idea, Yunie. I've always wanted to look around Besaid," she chimed happily, and then her hand tightened around Yuna's. Moving to Yuna's side, Rikku started to tug Yuna along to the small village nearby. It wasn't at all busy today. "Come on, Yunie. Maybe start with the temple first? Oooor maybe your place!"
002 - Latte
"Yuna!" Rikku chimed, performing a little jump in the air when she saw her cousin's face again. "Hey, Yuna! We should go out again, but without Paine this time!" Rikku suggested.
Strawberry blonde locks bounced hysterically while Rikku ran up towards the brunette girl, as blonde braids swished from side to side during the time she ran. Rikku jumped up when she was near Yuna, placed the palms of her hands onto Yuna's shoulders in the act, seconds before her booties hit the ground. A wide beam painted Rikku's lips, green orbs gazed into those blue and green hues. Rikku appeared to be clad in a lemon-coloured bikini bra, along with a matching pair of knickers that revealed straps tracing over her hips, albeit the bikini bottoms themselves were hidden behind a short green skirt.
"What do you say, Yuna? Wanna go out for another grand adventure?!" Well, even if it was to the Calm Lands or the Moonflow, or another place.
"Oh!" This was a surprise but she was always happy to see her cousin. "How about Luca? We haven't been there in awhile so what do you say?"
"To watch Blitzball? Oh, oh! We could always go to the cafe in Luca!" Rikku cheered, presenting a toothy grin. "Maybe to get one of those yummy lattes they've been selling recently."
Because of course, Rikku was old enough now to drink caffine and it was probably the reason she's become so hyper every single day after the pilgrimage came to an end. Mochas, cappuccinos, lattes, iced coffee - all the yummy types.
"But yeah, Luca's a great place to visit! I wonder what all the markets are selling over there."
"Well, let's go see! The cafe does sound nice," remarked Yuna.
It was always nice to see Rikku in such good spirits, as it always perked Yuna up as well. With the pilgrimage and everything else passed them, it'd do good for them to spend time together. Just the two of them.
At that, Rikku intoned a little 'mhm'. "Yeah, Yunie! We needa catch up. Grabbin' a latte sounds better than always going on missions, huh?" Rikku moved beside Yuna, then curled an arm around hers, linking arms. "I mean, i don't mind kickin' ass when needed, but we don't get a chance to spend quality time together."
Pulling Yuna along towards the deck, the Celsius airship was in view, and it waited above the sea.
"A latte does sound good but...when was the last time we enjoyed ourselves..." Yuna mumbled, obviously carrying a worry in her mind already it seemed.
Seeing that all too familiar ship, she smiled, and remembered when that airship was discovered during the pilgrimage. The Fahrenheit carried Yuna and her guardians through most of their battles when Yuna was a summoner, but this crimson airship was the Celsius, and that was the Gullwing ship.
"What do you mean, Yunie? 'Course we can enjoy ourselves! There's a secret Hot Spring in Luca, too, near the blitzball locker rooms," she stated, twirling an index finger through a braided part of her blonde hair. "Well, if you'd prefer the Hot Spring rather than the cafe. We'd just need to pack some swimming cossies with us - I think we have some dresspheres already," and Rikku had a super cute yellow onepiece she usually wears for the beach.
"Remember last time when we went to the beach, and you gave me a super skimpy bikini to wear? No way! A latte will do."
Rikku just shrugged, "Sure thing, Yunie."
003 - Games
Moving towards Rikku, Yuna coiled her arms around Rikku's torso and pulled the girl close. Her hands pressed into the small of Rikku's bare back, as fingertips could feel the thin lace of Rikku's bikini bra.
In return, Rikku wrapped her slender arms around Yuna and squeezed her as hard as she could, as if Yuna was a giant life-sized plushie. This'd be a plushie that Rikku would purchase in a heartbeat...or steal.
At the tight embrace, Yuna gasped for some air, struggling to catch her breath when her body was being squeezed. "R-Rikku!" Yuna squeaked, eyes widening with surprise. "Do you...have to squeeze so tight?"
Rikku nodded. "Missed ya!"
Taking in a deep breath when Rikku finally released her tight grip from Yuna's torso, the brunette placed her hand against her chest and let out a sigh of relief. Nevertheless, that never stopped Yuna from hugging Rikku back with her free arm, having it held around the blonde's torso idly at this point.
"I missed you too," she put, and then giggled. "What would you like to do today? Anything fun?"
Slap! Rikku rested her hands on Yuna's hips and tapped her fingers against her sides. "Yes! I definitely want to do something fun." she answered with a mischievous grin painted on her face.
"You do, huh?" Yuna intoned a little hum in her throat, all during the time her expression changed from happy to awkwardly concerned. "Um, may I ask what you have in mind? That...look on your face tells me it might be something...bad...or cheeky."
Staring up at Yuna with wide eyes, Rikku took Yunie's hands in hers and lightly tickled the inside of her palms. "Do you really think I would do something bad to you?" Rikku asked in the worst overacted attempt to sound innocent.
Blue and green hues dropped their gaze, Yuna snickered at the display while a little pinkish blush dusted her features in the process. At her palms behind tickled, Yuna simply laughed, trying to pull away both her hands in the act.
"R-Rikku...you know how ticklish I am...and all my sensitive areas..." Yuna mentioned, albeit it was probably a good idea NOT to tell Rikku this.
Honestly, Rikku didn't realise how ticklish Yunie was and regretted making the brunette pull her hands away before the Al Bhed's clever plan could be executed. Rikku quickly grabbed both of Yuna's wrists then spun her 180 degrees, putting her back to Rikku. She pulled both of Yuna's arms behind her back and held her wrists crossed.
"Surprise! I'm kidnapping you!" Rikku declared while leaning her head over Yuna's shoulder.
Feeling the twinge of rope pressing into her skin, Yuna struggled to wriggle her wrists out from Rikku's grasp, little feminine murmurs could be heard escaping Yuna's throat in the process.
"R-Rikku! You're...kidnapping me?" Yuna scoffed, as wide beam sprung along her lips. She continued to wriggle her wrists, trying to set them free, since Yuna had visions in her mind of Rikku potientally doing silly things to her that she shouldn't be doing. Her green and blue eyes glanced over her shoulder, catching Rikku staring back at her so devilishly. "If I'm now your hostage, then what...what will you do to me?"
Rikku held onto Yuna's wrists as tight as she could to prevent her escape. She looked back at Yuna with those spirally green eyes and chimed. "That depends on how well you behave yourself. Stop struggling and let me tie you up and I will go a lot easy on you. Promise!"
"Oh," intoned Yuna. The brunette girl swallowed a lump in her throat, Yuna did as she was told and halted the struggling, and now she appeared motionless for her mischevious captor. "Um, okay..." Yuna answered. "To think you...did this a lot during my pilgrimage...brings a lot of feelings back," mentioned Yuna, and then a small smile graced her lips. "Do you remember, Rikku? You always used to kidnap me before you became my guardian."
...Since that was obviously positive to remember.
Rikku nodded. "Mmhhmm. Kidnapping you has always been a lot of fun," she responded as she wove a satin rope around Yuna's wrists, binding them together. "But then I always had other Al Bhed with me, so it wasn't much fun." Rikku lowered a blindfold down in front of Yuna's eyes, then pulled the fabric back against her face before knotting it behind her head. "This time I have you all to myself!" Rikku exclaimed, pecking a kiss onto Yuna's cheek.
Gasping, Yuna coiled back at the peck on her cheek. Short brunette locks bounced gently when she tried to glance around the span, finding nothing but black behind the blindfold she wore. Yuna didn't bother moving her wrists, but she could already feel them being forced together with rope.
"Rikku, where are you?" Yuna checked, glancing to either side of herself first. Being blindfolded was scary, and yet, with Rikku, Yuna didn't know whether to be terrified of what'll happen next. "If you're there, please...pinch my arm...so I know you haven't left the room..."
Rikku slapped her hands onto Yuna's shoulders and turned the blindfolded girl to face her once again. "I have a better way to let you know I am still here," she stated, rubbing Yuna's shoulders gently. Rikku pressed her lips to Yuna's and gave her a long, slow kiss. "Convinced? Or do you need another one?"
Yuna pulled a wide, cheeky beam after that kiss. "Oh, perhaps another trick will convince me," remarked Yuna, just wondering how far Rikku would go.
Obviously, Yuna knew Rikku was there in front of herself, but she merely wanted to feel what other moves the Al Bhed had up her sleeve. Being blindfolded with her wrists bound together, Yuna was practically a living doll at this point.
"Do anything to let me know you're still here with me," added Yuna.
Rikku tucked a few loose strands of chin-length brunette locks back behind Yuna's ear, then licked the lobe from the top to bottom in one long wet lick. Her lips then wrapped Yuna's ear lobe and suckled on it softly for a few seconds.
"Convinced now?"
At the feel of Rikku's wet tongue, Yuna squinted at the lick along her ear, she giggled. "Try something else!" Yuna plainly answered, an amused look on her face. A pink flush still remained, painting her warm-coloured features, growing darker with each attempt Rikku gave. "What have you always wanted to do to me, Rikku?"
Because whatever it was, now was her chance to show Yuna what she really, desperately wanted!
"Hmm!" Rikku mused, pressing an index finger onto her chin, now beginning to think of what more she could do to a tied up Yuna. Nothing sexual, though, since she'd need one-hundred percent consent for that.
Deciding to be an annoying devil, Rikku slipped an index finger into her mouth, and then leaned inward, soon poking this wet finger into Yuna's ear to give her a wet willy. Emerald spiral eyes watched Yuna's face crease up in alarm, and Yuna squealed, soon trying to rub her damp ear canal onto the white fabric of her sleeve.
"R-Rikku!" Yuna gasped, her voice sounding like it was on clouds. "That's enough! I know it's you - I knew all along! Whatever you do - just don't do that again!"
"Well, duh, of course you did!" Rikku cooed, soon stripping off Yuna's blindfold in one swift move. "I was just teasing, you know. And besides, you started it!"
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