An Unexpected Bet | By : Thaddrec43 Category: Final Fantasy XIV > General Views: 1421 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I don't anything from Final Fantasy XIV. I make no money from the writing of this story |
It had begun almost a month before. Safely returned from Ultima Thule, the Warrior of Light and his fellows had all gone their separate ways. For the Warrior himself, this had become a chance to return to more frivolous pursuits, long set aside. He'd been a notorious tinkerer, dabbling in the various crafts and guilds when he'd been just a fledgling adventurer. He'd kept at them, even as things had become more serious, first as a way of maintaining his own gear, and soon enough, as a way of crafting new gear. And while he dabbled, yes, he dabbled like the way he fought: with every fiber of his being. Soon enough the smiths and the seamstresses and jewelers had nothing else to teach him, throwing their hands up at his endless stamina and constant improvement. He'd sought out the masters, at this point, always managing to squeeze time in between the fighting, the questing, the saving the world, but soon enough even they could teach him no more. He was hardly the best crafter the realm had seen, but he was one of the better ones, and while there were still many who could equal or beat his skill in any one thing, there were very few who could match his breadth. Ishgard had been along the way, forever ago now, and the Machinists, with their wonderful new weapons and tools, had instantly caught his attention. Soon enough even their secrets were his. Left with an abundance of skill but no time to dedicate to deeper training, the Warrior's tinkering instead turned towards personal fare.
The Warrior had not been an especially sexual being these past few years. There simply hadn't been time, but he had his urges and, more secretly, he had his fetishes. He'd spoken of them to no one, but they bled through in her personal crafting, and soon enough he'd begun constructing a chastity belt. Not for himself, but for a woman. He'd worked on it alongside a dozen other, more innocent projects, and his companions had asked some questions, but never really paid too much attention. Good thing, as well, as he'd dreaded both their judgment and even attempting to explain things to the Twins, but nobody had paid any real mind to it. Most likely, they suspected it was simply another piece of gear, and he was happy to never clarify.
Except Y'shtola, of course. She'd paid no mind at first, same as the others, when it had just been a bunch of metal. He hadn't worked on it all at once either, a spare hour here, a couple minutes there. It was small enough to always have with him, tucked away unassembled in his pack as he flew from one emergency to the next. Soon enough, however, the frame had been finished, and that's when he'd begun the enchantments. Y'shtola's augmented gaze and curious nature had homed in on him at that point, and soon enough he always caught her watching him as he worked. It had spooked him enough that he'd stopped working entirely, and by that point things had gotten so dire he simply had no spare time. It was life or death fights or desperately needed rest until the next life or death fight, and it sat in his pack, forgotten.
That is, of course, until they'd returned and he'd once again had time to himself. In fact, he more or less had nothing but time to himself now, and while the urge to wander was never far, for now he was content to stay put and dedicate real time to his long neglected projects. He'd picked up where he'd left off, then, inscribing the enchantments with the best ink and tools he could buy. All custom magic, designed by himself, and not a single spell would he ever teach anyone else.
Y'shtola had been passing through Mor Dhona, on her way from one dusty library to another, an unplanned stop. The Warrior himself had taken up one of the side rooms as his little workshop, and hadn't even realized she'd arrived until he'd opened his door to her knock. He immediately realized he was already made: her gaze would have allowed her to sense the spells from across the entire Waking Sands, and he'd done absolutely nothing to disguise them. Her face was serious, but playful, and it was plain she intended to get to the bottom of this little mystery.
"Out with it, then. What have you been making?" The blunt and forward question caught him so off guard he took a step back, giving her a chance to step inside. She was past him before he could react, even as he attempted to stammer out some excuse he knew wouldn't stop her. But she already had it in his hands, twisting it this way and that, a critical eye measuring every inch of the spells.
Some part of him finally caved. Maybe it was the years of keeping it secret. Maybe it was the fact that he was essentially done with it now. Maybe it was just because he was actually proud of what he'd made.
"It's a chastity belt. For women. Designed originally to keep wives and maidens chaste when their husbands were away. A silly notion, and mostly a myth anyways. But this one isn't for that. It's meant to keep a woman from having sex, and also from masturbating, but it's also meant to keep her horny. On the edge. Frustrated. Desperate for release, but unable to achieve it, unless the one with the key and the spell unlocks it. So she's at his bidding, reliant on him for sexual relief. Desperate to please him, just on the chance he'll let her out." The Warrior looked into Y'shtola's face then, looking for scorn. Mockery. Disgust, perhaps? He didn't expect anything too harsh, she'd always shown herself as open minded, but he hardly expected her to be entirely accepting of the idea. Instead what he found was curiosity. She was examining the belt closely now, twisting it and turning it so she could see every angle of its magic, its craftsmanship. Then he saw her tail twitching in interest and some part of him realized things were about to get a little unusual.
"Why not test it on me, perhaps? I intended to stay here for a month, compiling some notes and clearing out the last of my personal belongings. Let's see if your workmanship is up to the test. A little bet, perhaps?" He took several long seconds to even register what she'd proposed.
"A bet? What?" Her lips turned up into a smile that was far more suggestive than he'd ever seen from her.
"If I can make it one month without asking for this little toy off, you have to help me with my research. If I beg for it off before then, beg without any hint of resistance or pride, well, you win."
"And what would I win?" Her smile became almost feral as she locked eyes with him.
"You'll have a beautiful woman begging you desperately for release, something you've just told me is your most secret fantasy. I'm sure you can figure out what to do next." His blush was beet red at the implications, and he found himself unable to answer her. Eventually he managed a simple nod of his head, though a part of him questioned just how fair this deal was. If she needed help with research, she simply had to ask.
Still, he had no time to dwell on it as she began inspecting how to don the belt. He had to make some alterations first, to fit her, asking for her measurements in the process. She was free to answer, which caught him off guard, but it was a simple enough matter to refit the belt given he was its creator. He offered it to her, and she disappeared around the changing screen. She emerged several minutes later, her dress discarded and her only in her small-clothes, the belt was wrapped tightly around her waist. "You need to do the finishing touches, I believe, and activate it."
He complied, first locking each of the padlocks with a set of small silver keys, then infusing each lock with his aether. They would set, now, requiring his own aether to even accept the keys. "Are you ready?" He asked, and when she nodded he began activating the spells.
She squeaked in surprise once he finished the last one, perhaps the single most un-Y'shtola noise he'd ever seen from her, and her hands instantly went to her crotch, stopped by the belt. Even her tail was standing straight up, tensed in absolute shock. "I did not realize it w...would start this quickly." He could see her face, already holding back a moan, and feeling a rush of dominance, he smiled.
"It'll start slowly, at first. Feeling out your rhythm, your body. Once it gets the hang of you, it'll become more intense, probing closer and closer to the edge without letting you over." Her eyes widened for a fraction of a second before her entire expression slammed shut like a gate, back to the cool and collected Y'shtola. She didn't say anything else as she changed back into her dress, but as she exited the room she looked back at him and smiled. "One month, then? You'll be amazed at how fast time flies."
Time, it turns out, did not fly. In fact, it slowed to a crawl. The Warrior himself was left in a stupefied state, unable to really believe what had happened had happened. At the same time, he was also receiving a wealth of data from the spells, programmed specifically to provide feedback for fine tuning. He collected it all, combing through it with singular focus, though he could barely look at it without seeing the woman all the numbers represented. Y'shtola, for her part, seemed no different, at least at first, but he soon started noticing oddities. In the midst of her research the woman could be a total shut-in, disappearing for days on end into her personal study. Recently though, he always found her close by. She'd be reading in the common area, passing by his room with a sandwich, always hovering, always within an arm's reach. And she never acted as if it were unusual, the very picture of her usual self, but he'd catch a blush on her cheeks, a quake in her legs, a need to catch herself on the walls for seemingly no reason. Always faint, always disappearing like they hadn't happened, but they did happen, and they started to happen more and more often. By the end of the first week, he could tell the spells had finally figured her rhythm out, and it began to increase in intensity.
The second week was almost a reverse of the first. Now he never saw her, though if he walked by her room, he'd hear her. Never loudly, but squeaks and little moans would pass though if he stopped, though if she ever realized he was close all noise would vanish. He began bringing her food to her room now, which she would accept without a word, but at this point she could no longer hide her crimson face, her sweat soaked brow, and how her arms shook as she took the food without a word.
Some part of him was starting to feel quite guilty, now, and fantasy or no, he was working himself up to letting her out early. By this point it was clear she was accomplishing nothing. Then contact with the belt cut off, and he was no longer receiving anything from it. Assuming something had simply gone wrong with the spell, his thoughts were interrupted as he heard her scream. Everything was forgotten as he rushed to her room, wrenching the door open in mild panic.
"Are you o-" he started, and there she was, naked except for the belt, writhing on the ground as she openly moaned. She tossed herself back and forth, frustration clear, scrambling at the metal with her fingernails desperately. At this moment he was very glad only the two of them were here. "...what happened?"
" the sp-spells." She managed out between moans, her hands never leaving her crotch. He nodded, understanding.
"I put countermeasures in place just for someone trying that. If it senses anything untoward, it goes into overdrive.." Still, Y'shtola was a master magician, easily his superior. He wasn't even more than a mediocre mage, his talents strictly for battle. Y'shtola should be able to break his spells trivially, if she really wanted too. Unless she was suitably distracted. "No wonder the spells stopped. You tried to cheat."
She moaned, in response, unable to articulate herself. By now, the edging had ceased, and she simply lay on the floor panting, exhausted. It took her almost a minute to gather herself, and he could tell even as she propped herself up that the belt had resumed normal functions. "I...I...I'm not getting anything done. I haven't read a word in three days. This can't go on." Five minutes ago, he'd have agreed with her, and if she'd come to him, he'd have happily unlocked her and agreed to forget the bet entirely. But instead, she'd tried to get herself out of the belt in secret. Without telling him. Anger filled him, though not the kind he was used to. No, this had a more dominant spice to it.
"You wanted out of the bet, but didn't want to admit defeat. You planned on just shutting it off, then pretending to win, didn't you?" She was looking at the floor, panting, and he couldn't tell if she was avoiding his gaze or simply exhausted. "Your pride won't let you admit defeat, will it? Arrogance got you into this, and now pride won't let you out. Well, I don't intend to let you out either, not for another two weeks." Now her face came up, and he could see the pleading in her blind expression, tinged with a little bit of what he realized was fear. "So either admit defeat or soldier on." He could see her, struggling not to beg then and there, but she somehow was on her feet, walking to her bed. "Fine, then, but if I catch you cheating again..." She froze as he left the unspoken threat hanging in the air. He didn't wait to see her response, confident enough he'd made his point.
* * *
"Fine, you win." The admission was contrasted by the steely gaze. She'd made it three more days, before summoning him to her room. In the meantime, she had managed to gather all her poise, and she looked almost normal now.
"That is not how we agreed this would go. Fine and all to give up, but best to do it properly." He could see the anger rising in her. He'd only seen her crack a couple of times, and always when caught off guard by some embarrassing tidbit. Never in situations like this. It spoke to how poorly this bet had gone for her. But suddenly, she slumped, fury and resolve gone in an instant, before sinking down to her knees. She was dressed casually, practically undergarments, simple grays and blacks that were clearly meant to evoke her traditional outfit. Her resolve wavered, and she even looked away, before finally looking back up at the Warrior.
"P-please." He could tell, it took her almost everything to let that word slip, but he wasn't about to let her off easy.
"Please what?" A blush, now, and she broke eye contact again, this time unable to bring herself to meet his gaze.
"Please...please take it off." Better, but given how this had started, he wasn't going to let it slide. She'd agreed, after all, and she knew it. He saw no reason to allow her to salvage her dignity.
"Take what off? You have to show me." The blush deepened, and her face was a dark crimson, her pale gray eyes standing out in sharp contrast. He saw the flashes of anger in the movement of her tail, sharp motions back and forth. Then it slumped, and he saw the shame in her eyes, knowing she’d done this to herself..
She moved slowly now, shifting from her knees to her back even as she reluctantly disrobed. It was a slow, awkward process, starting and stopping as either the belt or her own shame interrupted her, before she forced herself to continue. Her top came first, with nothing underneath, her nipples rock hard, obvious even standing where he was. Her pants took longer, both between her awkward shuffling, her shaking legs, and clear hesitation, but eventually they too were cast aside. She finished by rolling on her back, her hands and legs held above her but folded and her tail curled flat along the floor, looking the perfect part of a cat begging for a belly rub. More to the point, however, this left her entirely exposed. Any dignity Y'shtola had hoped to maintain had been totally robbed of her, and she looked up at him, begging with every fiber of her being.
"Please take off the belt. P-please let me cum." Laid out on the floor, naked, sprawled out like a kitten, she moaned, openly now, and her limbs began to shake. He couldn’t help but admire her body, his gaze consuming her as she rocked back and forth. He hadn’t disabled the spells, and even now he could feel it enter another edging routine. She shook and moaned without restraint, and dropped her limbs, simply sprawled out on the floor. "A-are you...still there?" She squeezed out, her head lolling to the left and right.
"What?" At him speaking, her face turned to him, but her blind eyes were entirely unfocused. "The needs c-concen...tration. I can't...can't keep it up l-like this. I-I...can't see." ice shot through him, realizing he'd impaired her so. Y'shtola's blindness was a given to all of them, but she accounted for it so well it was easy to forget. That she couldn't use the magic... "How long?"
"At l-least a...week. I-I can't...can't remember." Her tone was pitiful now, pleading. "Please. Please. I give up." No wonder she'd stopped leaving her room, hadn't come out, been so slow to answer. She'd been trapped in her own head for a week, with nothing but the edging. He knew the blindness would have sharpened her other senses, made the teasing that much more potent. If she'd only come to him, told him what was happening, he'd have let her go immediately, apologized profusely, and even agreed to help her with anything. But she hadn't come to him, had she? No, she'd tried to trick her way out of the bet she'd made herself. He felt his heart harden, felt the desire to dominate her. To teach her a lesson.
"The deal, I believe, was that if you gave up, "I'd be sure to figure out what to do next". And I think I have." Her eyes were still on his voice, then, and totally exposed, they widened in real fear. He moved up next to her, watching her try and follow him by the noise of his movement even as the belt kept her full attention. He needed no force as he moved her, she was as meek as a kitten, and he dragged her over to her bed. He sat down on the edge, dropping his own pants as he did so, and guided her between his legs to his throbbing erection. For a further indignity, he held both her arms in the air, locked in a solid grip, leaving her only her head to control. "Now, I believe, you know what to do." He could see a spark of anger there for a split second, watching his crass words and clear command slam into her sense of pride and decency, but it was gone almost instantly, and her body shook with need as she pushed her head forward, tongue already out. Blind as she was, however, she instead ran his cock into her face, pre-cum oozing on her forehead as she smushed her nose into his length. He made no move to guide her, instead watching her fumble to find his cockhead before she began to suck. He could sense her talent, but her desperation and her distraction robbed her of most of it, and she went at him rabidly. It hardly mattered though, the entire situation had him nearly as close to the edge as she herself was, and in short order he could feel the orgasm rise. Y'shtola, blind and desperate, was entirely unprepared, and she pulled away in shock, leaving most of his cum to spread across her face. She coughed, once, twice, and once again he saw the anger, but it was again quashed by her overwhelming need. She didn't even speak, now, just moaned in need, looking up at him with begging eyes. He laughed, ruffling her hair as he pet her head, then pulled her into his lap. She struggled as she lay across him, moaning and squirming, but unable or unwilling to mount a fiercer resistance. He began petting her, caressessing her body, rubbing her down, grinding the last of her resistance away with firm hands. Soon enough she just lay limp, exhausted. He began to work his hands down, kneading her ass for several seconds before a single finger began to probe her anus. The reaction was immediate. Y'shtola began thrashing, her tail taut straight out, and only a firm hand on the small of her back kept her from wiggling away. Her head twisted around and she managed to lock eyes with him, and this time the anger didn't disappear. He saw her, ready to yell, but he never gave her the chance. His aether flowed into the belt, and the words died in her throat. Her body, if it was even possible, tensed up even more, and she arched back, a wordless scream on her face as the belt went into its strongest punishment mode, edging her relentlessly while its magic kept her from tipping over the peak. She was helpless to resist as he resumed probing her back door, working a digit in, then an entire finger. He began to finger fuck her, watching her twitch every time he pushed in, but the belt ensured even this would not allow her to climax. He turned the power back down, and she finally slumped back down, panting heavily, entirely insensitive. She didn’t even react as he picked her up, standing, before he began to position her on her own bed. Her face buried in her pillows, her ass propped in the air, with her tail across her back and her arms between her knees. His extensive research on the more fetish-y spells came in handy here, as quick focus and a water shard let him conjure a dollop of lube, which he worked into her ass. He then lined himself up, and slowly but steadily sunk his cock into her ass, inch by inch. Y'shtola moaned under him, distinctly different, but otherwise simply remained where she was. He fucked her steadily, moving with a slow rhythm and enjoying the tightness of her ass, the friction strong even with the lube. He could feel himself building to another orgasm but he kept his rhythm slow, enjoying the feel of her ass gripping him.
Soon enough he could no longer hold himself back and began to speed up. He bent over her, his head next to hers, watching her. At this point she was totally out of it, her face twisted in pleasure and moaning without restraint. Seeing her so totally defeated was too much, bottoming out in her ass as he came, grunting. He could feel her twitching, clenching, but at this point she could do little more. She just lay there, breathing heavily and occasionally letting out a low moan.
Still, freed from the constant edging, Y'shtola's face relaxed, and soon she was quickly asleep. As the afterglow began to fade, the full ramifications of what had just happened began to dawn on him, and he deactivated the enchantments on the belt, though something stopped him from removing it physically. In a corner of his mind, he was still angry at her for attempting to cheat, and that stayed him from total mercy. Without the belt assaulting her, she was quickly asleep, and she was sleeping so soundly that even as he toweled the sweat off her and cleaned her up with some simple magic she never once stirred. Tucking her into bed, he left, mind whirling and unable to really grasp what had just happened.
* * *
The next couple days he spent awkwardly. Having come down from the emotions, he felt pretty guilty about what he'd done. The sorceress, for her own part, did not leave her room again, though he regularly brought her meals, left at her door, which she seemed to be consuming. Once, he thought he caught a moan from her room, but chalked it up to his imagination. He couldn’t activate the belt again without touching it, after all.
When Y'shtola showed her face again, he'd been in his own room, reading in a vain attempt to distract himself. She barged in without even knocking, a stern look on her face. She seemed to be fully recovered and in good health, once again wearing casual clothing, though her expression gave him pause. The silence hung in the air for long seconds, before she finally spoke up.
"I only have one question." She, with some hesitation, pulled down her pants, the belt gleaming as it still gripped her tightly. "Can you make another one of these?" He nodded, just as off balance as the day she’d put on the belt. He didn’t even understand what she was asking him.
Y'shtola's face softened at that point, and then a blush crossed it. Crossing the room, she dropped her pants entirely, before she grabbed his hand and brought it up to the seal, inviting him to activate the magic. "Good. Because I just might know someone else who'd be...interested."
His mind was total chaos as he tried to process what had just happened, but some part of him was ready. A smile with only the slightest twist broke out on his face, and as he activated the belt, he couldn't help but speak. "Well then, perhaps you can help me improve on the design a bit. If you aren't unduly distracted, that is." She opened her mouth to reply, but all that emerged was a moan as the belt's magic kicked in.
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