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Reviews for Shadows within darkness

By : schwaerze
  • From ANON - fyrbyrd on March 14, 2009
    Ohhh, hot. Hotter than the weather here. But then that's good as the rain finally put the fires out today, yeay!!
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  • From LamicaLee on March 08, 2009
    ;D Awesome as always, keep up the wonderful work; can't wait to see what else is in store. ♥
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  • From Rina76 on March 06, 2009
    Lovely warm chapter! Vincent is so sweet and giving when he wants to be (not often enough, in my opinion!) and Yazoo very much did deserve some sweetness...although eating candy is not the way to get it, apparently... *winces for his belly-pain* Poor baby. He must have been thinking of all the times Aeris gave them to him and how they made him feel better but it's too bad he can never enjoy such a simple pleasure anymore. (Great wording of the puking, by the way! Very colourful lol)

    About frickin' time Vincent came to his senses. He's not a complete idiot, then. It was a really nice chapter and left me all happy and brimming with warmth. *sighs contentedly*

    Oh, Death Note. I miss L so much! :( I keep expecting him to pop up suddenly and say it was just a trick and he didn't really die, even though I know it's not going to happen. I really thought his death was just so...not fitting...with the story. If he had to die, couldn't they have waited until the very end of the series and gone out with a bang? Everything is not the same anymore without him there. Sure, Near has a lot of the same mannerisms as L but he's just a kid. He's sort of cute but he'd be a lot more intriguing if he were older. You just kind of want to pat him on the head and tuck him into bed. I guess he must get older as the series goes on. (I haven't finished watching it yet) Ha, Mello reminds me of Kadaj a little. You know, being a clearly insane boy with too-long hair and a penchant for leather pants and power. XD He's got a pretty face and hot little body but I can't get over how his hairstyle looks like He-man's (from the 80's Masters of the Universe cartoon - really showing my age here!) He ought to be locked up in the crazy house but sadly, he's the most interesting character in it now, since L's untimely departure. (oh, can't forget Ryuk! He's still funny and cool. For a Shinigami he's pretty damn sexy :P) The best scene from that whole series was where L and Light were drying each other after being caught in the rain. The slash fan in me just squealed so loud when I saw that! My husband was watching it with me and he goes, "That's so gay. They are totally in love with each other." LOL I had to agree with him. No wonder there's so much slash-fic written about them. *smiles wistfully in remembrance*
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  • From ANON - wildbynature on March 04, 2009
    This was such a sweet chapter. I love it when they make up and everyone is happy!
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  • From IntHellsing on March 04, 2009
    So... it wasn't even directed at me... but you mentioned Deathnote...
    And I kind of wanted to point out... that the first volume with Mello in it... he's drawn in this ridiculous 'this is clearly a bad guy' fasion and ridiculously ugly... but for the remainder of the series... he looks like the cutest little thing ever! I never really got that.
    Also. The ending of the series... was RIDICULOUS. It was like the story was going along fine... and then they just rushed out this half-assed ending where a bunch of stupid OOC things happen [Teru blatantly disobeying Kira and leading Near's men to the deathnote and Mello randomly deciding to become selfless and sacrificing himself? Yeah right.] and Light's FOOLPROOF plan somehow doesn't work out. And it's all done in this super rushed badly done way.
    I would have been totally okay with Light failing if it had been done well. But this ending basically makes Light look like a screw up with no ability to plan or think things through properly.

    Yayyy. It's nice to see Vincent has finally stopped being silly. Poor Yaz, though. That sounded really awful [Great visual from your description, btw]... I guess any vampire would eventually give in and try human food again, despite what they were told. I know I would.
    Lol. I was going crazy wondering what Yazoo bought the last time around... I couldn't figure it out at all. How adorable. He's such a sweet boy!
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  • From Rina76 on March 03, 2009
    Ooh, a second chapter! *is pleased you update fast* Vincent, you stubborn man, just stop being such an aloof ass and actually TALK to your lover, okay? It's a good thing indeed that Yazoo is so calm as other guys would have lost their cool by now and tried to stab him in the eye with a rusty coffin nail.

    Gah, of course now you've got us all curious as to what it is exactly that Yazoo has bought. Sex toys? Lingerie? Silver-plated handcuffs? *has thoughts of the evil kind* Heh. Whatever it is, it's gonna be good. I can tell already. :)
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  • From Rina76 on March 03, 2009
    Even as a vampire Yazoo is still the eager, wilful student he was before, no? He's going to make an excellent bloodsucker and of course he totally looks the part. I liked how his eyes changed when he was turned - great explanation for the slit-pupils! (I was wondering why he didn't have them before) He definitely doesn't see this as a curse that has befallen him, but as something intriguing and exciting that he very much wants to test out and explore. Which means he's not going to be an 'emo' vamp, always sighing and moaning and being depressed about his existence. Yay for that! Leave all the emo-ness to Vincent because he's so bloody good at it lol

    Though I do wonder who slept in that coffin before... Hmmm.

    I like your rules! They are very plausible and one of the benefits of being an author means you can make up any rules you like regarding vampirism and nobody can tell you that you're wrong...unless they were an actual vampire and knew for sure. I find it interesting that they sleep in coffins and that they pass into the dead sleep automatically upon the sun rising, like they have no control over it. Kind of similar to narcolepsy. That I haven't seen before in any stories and makes it very dangerous to stay out too close to dawn. Kind of like Cinderella - if you're not in the coffin before the sun comes up, you turn into a pile of cinders. Which would be really, really painful. Also love the ultra-violet vision thing. That's pretty awesome!

    It's nice that Aeris still talks to him and doesn't hold any grudges. Even in death she's still the sweet, loving sister. But I feel sorry for Cloud now, having lost the love of his life. Poor guy.

    I have to say I'm loving the change in the story (and in our favourite silver-haired boy) and I'm SO glad you didn't kill off Yazoo completely! I think you would have alienated a lot of fans doing that and gotten a lot of hate mail. One rule of fanfic if you want to have and keep readers - don't kill off the main character that everyone loves! I'm watching Death Note for the first time in my life and I can't believe they killed off L. I was like, "But...what? Why? What? No! Noooo!" *is still in shock over it* That's pretty much how I'd react if you killed off Yazzie. So thank you for not doing it!

    But if you choose to make him a cold, heartless bitch in this fic, that will be okay. Truly. I will accept it and enjoy that because it will be in character now that he's a vampire. So go ahead, make him as mean as you want! ;)

    Still your fan always,
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  • From ANON - fyrbyrd on February 28, 2009
    Oh my, not the happy couple are they? Sorry to be late getting back to you. Things are a little better here, at least everyone is getting back to normal, still the fires are still burning and we have another danger day coming on tuesday. I've heard some heart breaking first hand stories from that day and a few friends have lost everything but their lives. I hope to get back to writing this week, may not be ff7 but I will get back to the series soon...promise
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  • From IntHellsing on February 19, 2009
    I like your vampire clicheés... Ever since that disgusting popular new book series came out... people have been just making up the most ridiculous sets of rules to govern vampires, and it's been horrible. So it's nice to see something a bit more traditional that actually makes sense.
    Ooooh. I want to know more about this coffin Yazoo is occupying... I'm clueless on this oen. Unless it was Lucrecia's? And she's dead? And that's why Vincent is all cold and doesn't want to get attached to Yazoo?

    I'm so excited to see how Yaz will turn out as a vampire... he seems so well suited for it... but I could see where his spoiled nature could land him in trouble in a hurry!
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  • From Rina76 on February 18, 2009
    Wow. Now I'm the one speechless. Really didn't expect that! I didn't think it would happen so fast and in such a tragic way. I don't know whether to be happy or sad or shocked... All three I think! You always do things I don't expect which makes this story so exciting to follow. I enjoyed how you made the whole process an act of violence instead of a romantic one. It's a timely reminder of why Vincent didn't want to do this in the first place. Vampires are killers. They are cold. They have to be due to their very nature and what they have to do to survive. Somehow, I think Yazoo will cope with it much better than Vincent thinks...

    Amazing update! One of the best ever! I'm in awe of you, girl.

    (You're welcome for the last review. lol. Glad you liked! Sorry I spelled your name wrong, though. Oops!)

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  • From ANON - Lamica on February 18, 2009
    ;~; Poor Aeris, I really like her; she is after all one of my favorites in the game. I suppose it was inevitable, though I can't wait to see what the next installments will bring. I may not review all the time, but know that I'll always be reading ;D I give you many hearts xD ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Now you give us lovely chapters like you've been doing already n_n. ♥
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  • From Ringwen on February 17, 2009
    Wow... Now seriously. I am NOT in any way an easily touched person (bless my sadistic soul), but this chapter made my chest tighten in the most unusual way... I think you are the first one to write a fanfiction where I almost felt like crying.. Yazoo killing Aeris was just so..I'm speechless. And I love how you describe them as vampires, as you said vampires are killers, they are predators and humans are their prey.
    And I absolutely LOVE it. Neh, now the only thing I want to know is how vampires mate with each other. ^.^ Teach me? (my perverted nature makes me bounce back fast after almost letting my emotions take over the better part of me! Long live yaoi! *cackle*^)
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  • From IntHellsing on February 17, 2009
    Well. I guess my last review was a bit ironic, after all then. Lol.
    You've just made me the happiest person alive... I started this chapter thinking "God this would be PERFECT if when Vincent arrived back at the house Yazoo were bleeding to death in his bed." Lol.
    I'm so happy Vincent gave in and did it rather than lose Yazoo!!
    For a moment I was thinking how gloriously tragic it would have been for you to have just killed him. That said... I'm glad you didn't. XDD
    As always... looking forward to the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - Sheridan on February 16, 2009
    Ah! Na dann kann ich ja das Review auf Deutsch schreiben und mir nicht einen mit dem Englisch abbrechen. Was mich auch schon dazu bringt: Ich finde, du hast ein wahnsinnig gutes Englisch. Ich traue mich ja selbst nicht, Geschichten auf Englisch hochzuladen, und das trotz eines Anglistikstudiums- Schande über mich. Deswegen von mir an dich: Allerhöchsten Respekt! Die 'typisch deutschen Fehler' - das ist gar nicht so viel und auch eher so Sachen, bei denen ich mir denke 'Huch, wörtliche Übersetzung. Wo es mir zum Beispiel wirklich deutlich aufgefallen ist, war bei einer Stelle im vorletzten Kapitel glaube ich: 'Hm', made Yazoo' - das fand ich sehr lustig -ansonsten gibt es aber überhaupt nichts aszusetzen ^^ Und hey, ich sehe es ja ein dass du mir den Sandort von seinem Sarg nicht verraten konntest XD ich weiß ja wie das ist mit dem Drama und der Angst die man in Geschichten einbaut- dasmacht ja beim Schreiben besonders großen Spaß lol.
    Auch jetzt wieder ein sehr gutes Kapitel - vor allem die Ironie der Situation gefällt mir SEHR ^^ - und hay, es macht mir nicht so viel aus, dass Aeris tot ist. Ich muss zu meiner Schande gestehen, dass ich sie in den Spielen ohnehin nicht wirklich leiden konnte - die Geschichte hier hat das zwar irgendwie ziemlich abgemildert, aber doch nicht so sehr, dass ich sonderlich traurig über ihren Verlust wäre X'D Ich merke grade wieder, dass mir etwas düstere und un-nettere Charas mehr liegen als solche rückhaltlos Grundgütigen ^^''

    Freue mich schon auf das nächste Kapitel!

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  • From ANON - wildbynature on February 16, 2009
    I love how you present vampires. You're completely right about them. By the way, I'm still want Vincent and Yazoo to have makeup sex!
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