The Problem With The Truth | By : Chococat Category: Final Fantasy Anime > AU - Alternate Universe Views: 722 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I do not own any part of Final Fantasy franchise in any form or fashion. I do not make money or profit in any way from it. |
Tifa Lockhart woke up to sex.
It wasn’t that gentle lovemaking sort of sex that curled your toes and made you feel cherished. This was that rough end of session sex where your lover was riding his out. He was on her back, heavy and warm.
His hips were slapping against her ass making those meaty sounds that let you know the pussy was getting beat up. She clamped down on him hard and he paused.
The man grunted and went back to his punishing pace. Two minutes later he grunted again, and she could feel his member pulse within her. She felt no heat so he must have used protection. It was currently pitch black in the room except for the clock which told her it was almost three in the morning.
She’d closed the bar at one am and gone to sleep after two. He shifted off of her, rising to go to the bathroom. She heard the shower come on and fell asleep waiting for him to return.
Later on that morning she woke alone. She wasn’t surprised because Cloud was always on a job. He liked to keep busy. He’d been through a lot and needed to do an activity to keep his mind right. She understood it and didn’t fuss. He normally stayed in his room though, choosing to keep himself distant.
She remembered when things had come to a head. Sephiroth/Kadaj had been defeated and the geostigma had been cured so emotions had been running high. For two days they’d disappeared into a hotel room and he’d laid her out. Hard, sweaty sex had been the name of the game. It had been a wonder she hadn’t gotten pregnant. Walking had been interesting but she’d felt relieved and happy he’d wanted to spend time with her. This was followed by his rather painful (for her) declaration. Hiding her feelings, she’d accepted it when he’d said he wasn’t over Aerith and didn’t want a relationship with her.
He’d disappeared after that, showing up out the blue ten months later. He’d walked into the bar looking larger than life and dusty from the road…
“Heads up, badass coming our way.” Barrett’s voice was amused.
She turned to see Cloud walking through the crowd. Many people stepped out of his way cautiously. Running her eyes over his she could see he’d put on muscle. He looked as thick as Sephiroth now. She wondered if this was the effects of whatever he’d been shot full of.
His eyes were shuttered as he sat down next to Barrett.
“Good to see you, Cloud! It’s been a minute.” The larger man clapped a large hand to his shoulder.
Cloud gave him a small smile. “It has, but I’m back.” His eyes scanned the room. “I see you reopened the bar.”
Barrett nodded. “Yeah, we needed a steady income and booze is always in style.”
Tifa wasn’t sure how to greet him. He hadn’t exactly been nice, leaving her with a belly full of cum on her doorstep. While she was glad he was okay she wasn’t opening herself up to him like that. She opted to say nothing and continued to tend bar.
“Tifa, give me two shots of whiskey. This will be my last since I have to go home and cook dinner. Marlene and Denzel will be back from school soon.”
She nodded and placed two drinks in front of him. “Here you go.” She didn’t even look at Cloud.
After the shots were downed by both men Barrett left and Cloud just sat there quietly. Then he ordered food and another drink from the other bartender. Tifa felt some type of way about this but she still said nothing. The hours passed by but he stayed at the bar nursing his drinks. Barrett dropped off the children and they were over the moon at seeing him. He kept them company until she took them upstairs to get ready for bed. When it was time to close he still didn’t leave. Rolling her eyes Tifa did her closing routine, ignoring him still.
After her staff left she turned to face him with tight lips. Was he going to sit there all night?
“How have you been Tifa?”
She rolled her eyes. “What do you want?”
“I asked you a question.”
“I asked you one as well. Mine is valid, yours is nonsense.”
His eyes ran over her body before they met hers. “I’m back in town.”
She shrugged. “So?”
He sighed softly. “I need someplace to sleep.”
“There are many hotels.”
“Are the rooms still upstairs?”
“Those are for the children. Didn’t you live someplace for two years? Go there.”
He stood slowly and she looked up at him, wondering what he was about. “I need to get my stuff. Go upstairs and I’ll lock the doors.”
“No. You can get out and go wherever the hell you’ve been. You don’t get to walk back in here like you went to the store. You’ve been gone ten months and I’m supposed to be all giddy? Just bend over backwards and let you run roughshod over me? You’ve got another thing coming!”
She watched as he stood up and walked around the side of the long counter. As soon as he got close enough he made some sort of quick move too swift for her to dodge. Unsure of how she got there, she found the wooden bar pressing into her stomach with that rather large man pressing against her back. He put both hands on the counter trapping her between his arms. He leaned down and kissed her neck softly.
“What is wrong with you?” Tifa was confused as to why her voice sounded so breathless. Her heart was pounding in her chest, but it wasn’t from fear.
He nibbled on her neck, and she pulled away. She tried to anyway. His hands gripped her hips and he held her tightly as his mouth explored her neck. She bit her lip as she leaned as far as she could go. He shuffled a little before she felt his hard-on rub her backside. “Cloud-”
“Shhh.” One arm curled around her waist and he took off his gloves, placing them on the counter. The other free hand cupped her breasts softly, caressing them almost lovingly.
She shivered; he’d been the last man to touch her. She’d waited to see if she was pregnant then just kept it simple. Now he was using his knowledge of her body against her. He suckled at her pulse point and she threw her head back. “No. I won’t let you use me like this!” She squirmed but he held her tight. His hand slid to her waistband, pushing her skirt and panties down until they were beneath her ass. He’d trapped her arms in a firm hold she couldn’t break.
His finger delved between her pussy lips, caressing her clit softly. Her hips bucked at his touch and she tried to stop him but he was strong. His voice suddenly arrested her.
“Why do you fight so hard yet not at all?” His finger on her clit was unrelenting.
“What do you mean?”
“We both know you could put up a better defense than this. Perhaps this is what you need.”
“I don’t need the likes of you!”
“Mmm..” She felt air between them as his body moved back. She wondered what he was about when she felt his hand move on her ass. The sound of buckles was sharp in the air followed by the loud rip of his zipper coming down. After some shifting he leaned forward, his cock against her. He was like a rock. He began rubbing against her.
Tifa closed her eyes at the hot piece of flesh on her. As much as she didn’t want him she did. His finger was in the front and his cock in the back, making her wet, ready for his intrusion. She knew what she was getting. Soon the sounds of her sticky fluids reached her ears, his finger rolling around her nether regions. He reached back and spit on his hand to rub his dick before he centered himself and pressed against her.
“Put your hands on the counter.” His voice was deep and sensual in her ear.
She found herself cheek down on the bar before his thick head pierced her. It hurt a little as he opened her but it wasn’t bad. He worked his way into her body and she wondered what this looked like on her cameras. Would they show Cloud over her, his hips rocking back and forth against her? Would she be able to see her expression as he penetrated her secret place? She bit her lip as his head delved into her body. When he was all the way in he began a hard pace. This was like the hotel. No care for her feelings but he wasn’t out to hurt her. He just wanted and she was available.
She didn’t feel sorry for herself because she knew she wanted this as well and it was a willful act. His body rocked against hers in a familiar cadence, his pubic hair soft against her ass. She could have fought at any moment but she didn’t. It felt so good to have a man inside her body, his cockhead moving up and down within her channel, finding his pleasure. Her flesh stretched to accommodate his invasion. Cloud was average length but very thick. His head was bulbous and wide, so different from the long, narrow penises she’d encountered.
He sped up and she clenched her fists as he used her body roughly. After a bit he grunted and she felt him shoot his sperm into her. When he was done he fixed his clothes and walked out the back door. She pulled hers up and was about to lock it when he came back in with his stuff. He shook his head, locked the door and set the alarm. Then he walked upstairs without a backwards glance.
That had been seven months ago. He’d moved into one of the spare rooms and there had been no other conversation about it. He rarely spoke to her and he hadn’t touched her since that night. Until this morning anyway.
Getting up she got ready for the day. It was Sunday so the bar would be closed. The children were spending the weekend with Barrett so she was free. He would drop them off after school tomorrow. She was having brunch with Ulther, a very nice merchant from down the block. He was well aware of her and her activities so she had no fear of him. He was great fun and had told her he only wanted to have a good time. He wasn’t ready to be tied down to any one woman but he did like to flirt.
Tifa got a kick out of him and they went out twice a month on Sunday when their respective shops were closed. She found a cute short white dress with red cherries on it and some red heels. Adding a cute red hat she examined herself in the mirror. She looked great.
Ulther picked her up and they had a great time, eating and shopping. Before she knew it, the sky had darkened. When he pulled up to the front she smiled at him. “Thank you for a wonderful time!”
He waggled his eyebrows. “The pleasure was all mine!”
She kissed him on the cheek and got out with her purchases. Walking in through the back door she was surprised to see Cloud lounging at one of the tables. Decked out in his leathers he looked extremely sexy and fuckable. He looked at his comm on his arm. “It’s late.”
Rolling her eyes she walked past him to go upstairs. Now he wants to talk to her? He could kiss her ass. She heard him follow her to her room. She didn’t even look back. Putting down her bags she pulled off her hat and shook out her hair. Then she took off her shoes, placing them next to her other ones.
“You’re a mother. You need to come home earlier.”
Tifa turned to him angry at his high-handedness. “You don’t get to tell me nothing! You wander around here doing whatever the hell you want, whenever. I’m not curbing my activities because you want to act stupid.”
“Lower your voice, Tifa.”
“I will not! Go fuck yourself!”
He grabbed her arm and she hauled off and slapped him. This led to a wrestling match which somehow turned into a rough fuck. Her hands were held above her head while his hips pounded into hers, his eyes bright with some emotion. After he came inside, much to her annoyance, he got up and left. She heard the door downstairs slam.
She felt tears well up but she held them back. She wouldn’t cry over that asshole again. He’d used her and left her, again. She’d known he was still damaged, hell, they all were but she’d thought he’d stay and work it out with her. So many of their friends and loved ones had died. Still they all had to move on and the crazy events they’d lived through should have made them stronger.
Sighing, she got up and took a long bath that made her feel better. The next day Barrett was relaxing after dropping off the kids when he smiled at her. “I told Cloud I would keep an eye on the place while he was gone.”
Tifa blinked. “He’s gone?”
Barrett raised an eyebrow. “Didn’t he tell you he was shipping out for a year?”
He made a face. “I know man-woman problems when I hear them.”
“Don’t sweat it. I’m not.”
“He must have pissed you off good and proper.”
She shrugged. “Doesn’t matter now, does it?”
“I guess not.” He sighed. “I wish he’d left on better terms.”
“I’ll live.”
She did and rather well. She made enough money to take the children on a few vacations and buy them all a nice wardrobe. They were living good for the first time in a long time. Things were looking up. She was currently dating a nice man named Yelin she’d met at the market. He was a fellow business owner fifteen blocks away who specialized in weapons. He was ex-military and had all the right stuff. He didn’t like to stray too far but he was experienced and had great conversation. His package was on the small side and his lovemaking was a little boring but that was negotiable. He was a quick learner and she could see a nice future with him. Marlene and Denzel liked him well enough so that was a plus.
She looked at the calendar. It had been fifteen months since Cloud had left. She was having dinner with Yelin tonight. Dressed in a backless halter dress in red leather with black spike heels, she felt sexy and powerful. While she liked the chunky boot look she was horny tonight. Her dress was short, tight and she had on the smallest thong she owned.
She took a cab to the restaurant, sliding out of the car. Yelin was standing there looking extremely dapper. She smiled at him and they went inside. Dinner was nice and she was just about to invite him home with her when he cleared his throat. “I have some news.”
Tifa felt excited. “Really? Did that new shipment of laser swords you’ve been expecting come in?”
He smiled excitedly. “It did and they were everything I thought they would be. I’ll corner the market with those!” He had that shop owner’s gleam in his eye for a moment. “That’s not the news though.”
“Then what is it?”
He looked a little shady. “My girlfriend came back from her mission early. She’s six months pregnant.”
Tifa blinked as she processed the information. “Girlfriend? Pregnant?”
He looked uncomfortable. “Ahaha! Yeah, she was on an eight month mission but she’s having carrying issues so she’s coming home early.”
“How early?”
“As soon as I drop you off I’m going to get her from the station early.”
“You should have told me from the beginning.”
He frowned. “What do you mean?”
“We’ve been going out these last six months and at no time did you mention other people. I told you I don’t do nonsense and I prefer honesty.”
“So you would have still went out with me if I would have told you I had a live-in lover?”
“Yes. I told you I didn’t live alone.” She would use Cloud to her advantage.
He made a face. “Well, yes but I thought you were lying. The house was empty when I visited.”
“It never occurred to you he just wasn’t there when you were.”
Yelin grimaced. “People lie all the time.”
“They do. I’m disappointed Yelin. All you had to do was tell the truth and let me decide if I wanted to deal. I gave you that option, didn’t I?”
He sighed. “You did. I’m sorry, Tifa.”
She stood. “Congratulations.” Not waiting for an answer she grabbed her wrap and threw it around shoulders before leaving. He didn’t deserve a goodbye. She went home, disappointed. He’d been such a good prospect. She went upstairs and pushed open her door to stop short. Cloud lay on her bed in a pair of pants and nothing else. He looked even larger than before.
“Hello, Tifa.”
She huffed. “Shit.”
“I heard you were dating Yelin. I’m sure his woman Alicka wouldn’t be happy to hear it.”
She rolled her eyes. “I can do what I want. I’m grown.”
“Then come over here and sit on my dick.” One large hand rubbed the crotch of his pants.
“Fuck you.”
He smiled and got up, prowling over to her. She was surprised to see how much taller he was. Had he gone through a second growth spurt? In her heels she should have been taller than him, instead they were the same height. She should have been paying attention because his hands pulled her close and he kissed her. She pushed against him but it was like trying to push a boulder. His mouth moved gently over hers, coaxing her to join him. Soon she did, her hands resting on his chest.
For a moment, she felt cherished but she knew it was a lie. He hadn’t kept in contact the whole time he was gone. Well, not with her anyway. He was hard and she easy access. His hands started moving over her body and she arched into him. That felt nice and it made her realize she was submitting to him. She tried to step back. She was falling into the trick bag and regretting those two drinks she’d had earlier.
“Don’t try to escape now.” He suckled on her neck as he held her tight.
“You’re out for a quick fuck.”
“It doesn’t have to be quick.”
She felt a flush of heat at his words even as her mind said ‘Bad idea!’
“Here you go with this nonsense.”
She pushed away from him and put her hands on her hips. Unfortunately the top of her dress slid down, exposing her braless chest. He must have loosened it when he kissed her, the scoundrel. His bright blue eyes focused on them and he licked his lips. “Take off the dress, Tifa.”
“No, I will not!”
He grunted then moved. Once again it was faster than she could see. Blinking she found herself on her belly and he was sliding off her dress and panties.
“Cloud! Stop!”
“For what? I can smell how hot your pussy is. You like it when I manhandle you.” He tossed her clothing into the nearest chair. Then he lifted her hips, putting her on her knees to kiss her ass softly. “Just relax and let me fix the problem so you can go to sleep comfortably.”
What the hell? Tifa opened her mouth but a moan came out as his tongue swiped across her pussy lips. That felt so good. Her mirror faced her bed and she could see Cloud’s head moving as he ate her out. It was erotic watching him as she felt what he was doing. It didn’t take long for her to orgasm. He sat up and pushed his pants down, his hard cock springing free.
She was an aroused voyeur as he scooted behind her to insert himself. She gasped as his cockhead pressed firmly into her. Closing her eyes she didn’t fight the feeling as Cloud’s penis went deeper into her body. Soon he was fucking her in earnest, his hips rocking against hers at a controlled pace.
She backed up into him, wanting to participate but he held her tightly and rolled his hips. “Later.”
She clenched her teeth but didn’t move, letting him have his way. Surprisingly, as he worked her over, she orgasmed, her walls clenching him tightly. Normally she had to get eaten out or use her toy because she rarely orgasmed with a penis inside. He kept still while her muscles quivered around him. When it stopped he pulled out and sat back on his heels. “Stick a pillow beneath you.”
She did and lay on it so her ass was high. He climbed on top of her, his body like a furnace, and slid back in. His hands came up to grip her shoulders before he started moving his hips. She could only make noises as he gave it to her so hard it almost hurt and she loved it. The sound of him clapping her cheeks was loud in the room as her bed protested squeakily.
“When I come grip my dick with your pussy muscles.” He sped up to go even faster.
“Mmm.. yeah! Now, baby!” He groaned loudly as he pressed hard against her. She squeezed him hard and he bucked inside of her.
Laying there beneath his big body she caught her breath as she felt his seed pump into her. Mentally she shook her head. This was not how things were supposed to be. She was still mad but here she was risking pregnancy with this idiot yet again. “I’m not happy with you.”
He grunted. “Such is life. Things you dream about and hope for sometimes die. You move on.”
He must be talking about Aerith again. “You sound like you’re full of shit.”
“It doesn’t matter. I’m here on top of you. See reality for what it is.” He lifted from her and walked into the bathroom.
Tifa pulled the pillow from beneath her and cuddled it. It was a little soggy and smelled of their activities. He wanted her to move on? What did that mean to him? She had done so the moment he’d rejected her and walked out of her life. And what did “See reality for what it is” mean? Him coming out the bathroom broke her train of thought. She was surprised when he climbed back into bed next to her, pulling her to his chest.
“What am I supposed to be seeing, Cloud?”
“The fact that I’m home and laying in bed next to you.” His hand rubbed her belly softly. “You’re full of my seed and I’m going to fill you again.”
“You could wear a condom. You have before.”
“That was for a specific reason. You’re getting it raw from now on. I tested clean before I came here.” He tapped the unit on his wrist and showed her his clean bill of health.
She frowned. The things he said! “What was the reason?”
“I didn’t want to leave a mess.”
“Leave a mess?”
He sighed deeply. “I fucked you after you went to sleep.”
“I remember. You didn’t have much to say.”
“That’s not what I meant. I fucked you pretty much every night. That was the only time you woke up fully but I have to admit I’d been a little emotional.”
Wait, what? “You mean to tell me we had sex every night when you returned?”
“Yes. You’re extremely responsive when you’re mostly asleep.”
She tried to pull away but he held her tight. “Let me go! Why would you do such a thing?”
“I don’t understand why you’re so angry. It’s not like it’s the first time I’ve done it.”
Tifa shook her head. This damned man! “You’re a real piece of work! You told me to my face you weren’t over Aerith and I accepted it. I wasn’t going to sit around and pine for you! Sex doesn’t equate to love! It just equals more sex if it’s done right!”
“I agree.” He lifted her leg and his cock head nudged her entrance. She wiggled to get away but he held her tight and slid smoothly into her, spooning her with his powerful body.
She shivered at the onslaught of sensation. “You’re just using me to slake your need!”
His hips rolled against her. “Then use me in return. Take yours, Tifa.”
She paused at his words. What was going on? She wasn’t sure but there was a large virile male currently pumping her lady parts. Sighing in defeat she stopped fighting. His hands roamed her body gently and he kissed her neck.
“Rock on it.”
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